Jul 18, 2008 13:14
I've realized lately that there are two things in today's world that need to go away, for the sole reason that they are being taken over by people with immense stupidity.
1. Self-checkout lanes. Especially at Wal-mart. Kroger is not so bad. Kroger customers tend to understand that self-checkout lanes are for people with a few groceries and enough common sense to operate the machine and move on quickly. Not so at Wal-mart. Wal-mart self-checkout kiosks bring out the dumbest, most imbecilic idiots to ever set foot in a store. If you have 3 shopping carts full of crap, go to a regular lane. If you are so stupid you have to have the cashier help you with every other item, go to the other lane. Self-checkout lanes are not supposed to move five times SLOWER than the regular ones. I mean, really.
2. Comment sections on websites. I'm not talking about LiveJournal, or TMZ.com. I'm talking about websites like CNN.com, which portray themselves as legitimate sources of news, but allow the masses to comment on their stories. When people are protected under the anonymity of the internet, they will say the most inane, inflammatory and idiotic things you could possibly imagine. Its the technological equivalent of road rage. What's worse of course, is that people with impressionable minds might read this nonsense and believe some of the stuff that is written. Or waste hours of their day commenting back. Whichever. I just think that organizations that are devoted to bringing impartial news (I know, I know, but that's a different discussion), should not allow Jim-Bob and his cousins to post rambling crap on their sites.
You know, I LIKE posting in LJ again!