Mar 03, 2015 15:51
My Monster -
You came out of your room last night after we had tucked you in for the night. You had been singing so loudly for over an hour. Suddenly, you were standing in front of us with your craZy hair & sleepy eyes.
"I think I had a bad dream. I just, I don't even know!"
Oh, Monster. In that moment, I just had to laugh. You have such a fun person inside that little body. Maybe another night I would have yelled at you to go to bed. Or, I wouldn't have listened and just walked to back to bed.
But, this night, I laughed.
You climbed onto the couch and into my lap without considering your choice.
As your daddy scooped you up in his arms while he laughed along with me, our daddy told you that you need to have good dreams and go to sleep. Dream of unicorns in unicorn land. No more bad dreams - just good dreams.
You signed and said, "I just don't know about that!!"
The purity in your actions. It just makes me laugh. I can't help but know you are a wonderful, beautiful person who loves us with everything inside of you.
We love you, our little Monster. Love. Love. Love.
Now go back to bed and stay there. Stinker.