(no subject)

Mar 05, 2005 14:44

I have been feeling like a bad friend lately. I value my friendships porbably more then anything. They are as inportant to me as my career goal. This morning I wrote to my friend Debbie. We met the summer before 8th grade, and we have kept in contact over the years. I haven't seen her in almost 2 years now and I haven't recieved an email from her in about a year now. So I wrote to her this morning, and it felt so so good. So If you can give me your email address, I will be sure to email you if you promise to email me back. thanks so much and I hope to hear from you soon!
I'm out!

OMG even though mickalyn and I are so far apart, why the hell are we both having boyfriends at the same time? this is the second time this has happened!! :P Too weird.
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