Argle Bargle.

Sep 11, 2009 15:08

This new schedule is kicking my butt.

I'm always tired. I have no mental or physical energy. Hanging out isn't something I look forward to right now--it feels like a chore. I hate that feeling, especially since I always end up having a good time. Wednesday is a good example: I didn't go to JAK's party on Saturday, so I promised to hang out with them this week. I bailed on Monday, but didn't on Wednesday. My body wanted to stay home and stare at a TV like a drooling idiot, but instead I watched Fargo, ate pasta, finally read the Bible book I share a name with, and other fun stuff. It was just the pick-me-up I needed.

I'm also having a hard time keeping track of things. I have several to do lists, receipts are scattered, multiple purses and backpacks of differing sizes are littered around the floor at home...Hell, even my mind is unorganized. I can't stay focused on one thing for very long. As I'm writing this entry, I'm also trying to talk to someone online, texting Ryan (while no one's here at work), checking Facebook and various online comics(I haven't been online in THREE. DAYS.), and trying to remember what I've spent money on in the past three days so I can put it in my little spreadsheet (I could have sworn I deposited $60 cash on Wednesday, but then I'd have about $30 more than I currently do, so did I spend $30 somewhere and can't remember, or deposit $30 more and can't remember?).

It's not all misery, obviously. My classes, though sometimes boring, aren't hard or miserable. I have no drama going on with Ryan or any of my friends. I have a lovely place to go home to. My money situation is better than it usually is (or ever will be again). The work problems I had worked up in my head turned out to be nothing--I actually got important stuff done today, too!

Basically, the only things wrong are energy and time. I need more days in my week, and I need more hours in my day--hours I would fill with delicious sleep. No, that's a lie. They'd be filled with dozing on the couch, in my pajamas, with a Ryan for a pillow, a tasty bottle of Woodchuck Cider, and a stack of Double-Stuf Oreos.


I'll have some of that tonight, with dinner even! Of course, I'll have to be in bed by 10, 11 at the very latest...wah.

I think Labor Day just screwed me up. Last week, I had a brand new schedule, a big change from what I'd been doing for the past 8 months. Then, long weekend. Nice little gear in the works, that.

(Pst--in the half an hour since I mentioned the money thing, I have figured out where it went. Yay. Don't you feel better?)
(Yes, half an hour since three paragraphs ago. Told you I couldn't focus.)

Time to do something more don't know.

school, sleep, money, friends, work, schedules

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