
Sep 05, 2009 07:32 not a good morning.

I mentioned yesterday that I was exhausted? Funnily enough, not getting enough sleep last night didn't help. It just eluded me entirely for couple of hours--eluded both of us, it seems. Ry and I both have a lot of crap going on, being stressed doesn't work very well for a restful state of mind...

Anyway. I get up at 6. I feel like shit. I decide that my need for more sleep overcomes my need for more money, and I decide to call out.

I spent 20 minutes attempting to call my boss's two numbers, then the two morning ladies'. The only answer I got that wasn't a machine was a man who said I had the wrong number.

With no phone book and not enough brain to think of 411, I call Mom and ask her to look up Dana's number (one of the morning ladies). It's the same number that I already called to no avail.

So, here I am at work. I managed to cram down some breakfast and get here only 10 minutes late. I'm sucking down a Guru energy drink and hoping it will help my headache. I'm still really effing tired, and get to go home and paint, run Ryan's broken phone to Manchester, paint some more, and hope that I have enough energy by 7 PM for JAK's* apartment-warming party.

(*JAK stands for Jess, Ari, and Kristen. I made it up. It's just easier.)

It doesn't look good for the party, and that annoys me. I didn't go to Nachos this week since I was (a) tired and (b) low on money, and was really looking forward to seeing my friends. I'm just afraid that, if I go, I'll be irritable and oversensitive and just not good company.

It's also not a good morning because I still can't figure out where my money went this week. I've been tracking my money very well over the last couple of months, but this week, I have a snag. I had $13 missing with no idea where it went. The only day it could have been spent on, I didn't have enough money to have spent it (according to my tracking). But there's no other time it could have been. It doesn't help that it's been such a busy week, I can barely remember what I did at the beginning of it. BAH.

I'm really hoping the day gets better from here--it wouldn't be hard--but I've started it off being so tired and cranky, I'm not sure it will. I might stay home for everyone's good.

sleep, money, work

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