
Jun 26, 2009 17:25

So my last real entry was the 16th...over a week ago. My bad.

What's new...

[o] Been seeing the chiropractor for my back. He says I'm greatly improving but still need a couple of visits. I don't know one way or the other--my back has felt more or less fine since before I first saw him, except for certain sleeping positions and such. But hey, I believe the man with a degree in spines.

[o] Have picked out classes for next semester. Reporting & Writing News Stories, Introduction to Computer Graphics, and Grammar, Usage & Style. I just need to...you know...sign up for them. I haven't been online a whole lot lately, and when I have been I've been pretty lazy, so...yeah. Will get on that soon, promise!

[o] Saw Up last Saturday. SO GOOD! So cute, so sweet, so funny and adorable. Yes, very sad, but still sweet and wonderful. If you like most Pixar movies, you will not be disappointed. I want a Kevin. And a Dug. (Yes, the dog's name is spelled Dug! :D)

[o] Ryan has finally agreed to watch Army of Darkness with me (I've seen it before, it is the pinnacle of Bruce Campbell goodness), as long as I watch Super Mario Bros. with him (he hasn't seen it in a long time, has no idea if it's actually, and figured it was a fair trade for a awesomely-bad horror movie). That'll be tomorrow, hopefully.

[o] I'm still losing weight--and fairly steadily--despite sorta-kinda failing a couple of times this week. Dad and I ate at Ruby Tuesday's on Father's Day (they're Parmesan Shrimp Pasta was BEYOND good, holy crap, the 1,000+ calories are COMPLETELY WORTH IT), Wednesday included Moe's (giant burrito + soda + chips + queso (again, beyond good)), and last night was Nachos (garlic fries, alcohol, and, yes, nachos, with gooey cheese and chicken and tomatoes and YUM). Three days this week of 2,000+ calories, AND it's "that time of the month" (which can mean up to three extra pounds in water weight), and I was still down half a pound when I weighed in today. WHEE!

[o] There were baby foxes in our backyard. Mom discovered them last week, hiding under our shed. I only got to see one adult, one sleeping baby, and one baby playing with grass. Then Randy was working on the shed roof, and we haven't seen them since. So, might be off...I did get pictures, though, and do plan on posting them eventually. Along with my million other pictures I want to share. Really. I'll get to it!

[o] Sunday, Mom and I go down to Clinton to visit with Aunt Marge, which will include shopping for my birthday present (yay bookstore!) and dinner (yay Thai? Again? Please?). Looking forward to it :)

[o] Saw Transformers 2 today. It was awesome, with the explosions and the robot fighting and yeah. Definitely not a "deep" movie, but fun and entertaining.

[o] Am reading The Stand again. I missed it. :)

[o] ...Huh, I guess that's it. May post later with inner-conversation type stuff involving school. Next few days may produce a memo-esque entry, but maybe not, since the people I want to read it may not read it at all...Ah well.

family, movie, book, health, diet, exercise

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