
Jun 11, 2009 12:32

First off: Damn you, LJ Spotlight. Because you highlighted bad_service, there have been a million freaking posts in the past four days. My friends list is bloated. Argh.

Second: Drinking is evil.

I got pretty drunk on Monday night, and pretty sick. Spent Tuesday recovering (and returning a microwave). Wednesday, still kinda ugh, although the weather didn't help. Today, weather is still crappy, but at least my stomach is better. And my head.

Apparently, I managed to bang my forehead on something while drunk. Hard enough to bruise. It's not visible (thank GOD), but it's still kinda tender.

Then there's my back. I'm not entirely convinced that I actually did anything to it on Monday night (besides be very sick). Tuesday, however, I thought I was up to running from Ryan's house to the car, and that hurt something in my lower back. A few hours later, I reached for something on a high shelf, and that was all she wrote. Lower left back is wrecked.

It's weird, though, what hurts and what doesn't. It seems like most normal activities are safe, except for little things--like reaching for something a little below hip level while standing, or turning to look over my left shoulder (fortunately, that isn't killer, or driving would be out). What hurts most? Is sleeping.

Augh. Monday night I slept like shit, for obvious reasons: I conked out from 11 PM to 5 AM, then woke up long enough to feel the ginormous headache and icky stomach, which kept me from getting any good sleep (of course, it didn't keep me from sleeping until noon, x.x). Then Tuesday and Wednesday nights were miserable, due to my back. Sitting and standing is mostly okay, like 65% pain-free or pain that's low enough to ignore, or just wince at and get past. When I'm horizontal, that's something else entirely. Turning over is torture. Trying to be comfortable on my right side is impossible; of course, what side do I normally sleep on? Which side does my body insist it must be in to fall back asleep? The right side. >.< So I've gotten completely shitty sleep the past three nights, after two nights of damn good sleep (thank you, Unisom!).

Calling the chiropractor in a little bit. Dad showed me some exercises that should help, but he also said that the doctor would not be a BAD idea. Let's hope he can see me next week sometime...*crosses fingers*

In other news, I finished The Hour I First Believed, Wally Lamb's third (fiction) book, after an eight-hour reading marathon. That man can write way too well. The book involves the horrible events that happened at Columbine, and it's almost traumatic just to read it. Not to mention, he kept up his sadistic ways...I swear, whenever he thinks up a character, he makes a long list of every possible way he can make that character miserable, and then uses at least 2/3 of the list. Maybe 3/4. And the character (in this case, Caelum Quirk (LOVE that name)), true to human form, almost never deals with any of it well. You want to reach in and smack Caelum at the same time you give him a big hug. It's too good. I couldn't stop reading.

If you're the kind of person who watches the news and cries, "How can the world be so AWFUL?!"...this book is NOT FOR YOU. Neither are his first two, She's Come Undone and I Know This Much Is True. Don't get me wrong, they are very, very good books, terrifically written and just does not let you stop reading. But it could make you cry. You've been warned., yeah, I'm here at work until 4. After that, I go home and nap for a couple hours, then head off to NACHOS! :D I have until 3ish to decide if I can write on the chalk board without killing my back...wish me luck?

book, health

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