Why do I do this to myself...

May 27, 2009 22:33

I seem to be very good at making my life more complicated than it needs to be.

I am currently:
[1] Trying to start a foundation for a freelance "career", which is apparently very complicated.
[2] Figuring out what to go back to school for, where to go for it, and how to get the ball rolling.
[3] Looking for a second job that will, hopefully, coexist with my current job and future classes.
[4] Waiting on a possibility of moving out of my house and into an apartment with other people. This could then lead to figuring out if I can actually go through with it, both financially and physically.

None of these are simple, some of them may not be possible, and some of them may clash with others. All of them involving putting on my big-girl pants and being a grown up. Which is scary. Wah wah wah.

[a] Pick a name.
[b] Register the name.
[c] Pick a hosting site.
[d] Figure out what to put on the site.
[e] Find/making something to put on the site.
[f] Hire a designer to make the site (or attempt to cobble it together, but I'm not THAT nuts).
[g] Design (or hire someone to design) a business card.
[h] Buy a stack of business cards.
[i] Find and fill out whatever legal shtuff is needed so the business is all legal and shit.
[j] Figure out what and how to charge for work.
[l] Somehow have enough money to do [b], [c], and [f] - [i].

I'm thinking that an Individualized Major would more or less boil down to: Editing. Copyediting, proofreading, grammar, technical writing, etc etc. Learning everything I can about how to write correctly, so I can spend my life correcting. I'd love to write, yes, but I can't seem to get my rear in gear about it, so...those who can't do, edit? *shrug* I think Uconn had the best selection, but I don't remember, and don't feel like looking it up, so hell with it for the moment.

Started applying to Big Y online, but then I realized that (a) I should ask Joanne before saying "Yes, contact my current employer!" and saying I can do x hours, if I want to keep working at Curves (which I really, really do), and (b) I should find out the details about my previous job (like the number, my wages, and, y'know, ex-boss's full name). So I'll do those things in the next couple days, then start applying to different local(ish) places (Big Y, maybe the Willington Pizzas, maybe the local package store, etc etc).

This is so far in the beginning stages that I won't even get into the details or get my hopes up (too late). I will say that this is what finally got the ball rolling on looking for a second job, which I need to do either way.

Over the three pay periods, I've missed a total of five days due to my D.C. trip, taking the day off for my birthday, and Memorial Day. That's a small chunk of money not in my bank account. I'm planning on going to the Faerie Fest in NY in June, which could be anything from 2 to 4 days, at least one of which would be taken off from work...so yeah. I need to hope for some 11-to close Fridays, and maybe offer to work till close some Thursdays, come in early here, cover a day here, etc. I need more money like woah.

So yeah. That's what's in my head recently. FUN.

school, editing, money, freelancing, work

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