Blame Justin

Dec 29, 2008 14:43

I am not: normal.
I love: with everything in me.
I hate: close-minded assholes.
I fear: losing someone I love.
I hear: WoW soundtrack that Ryan is playing
I crave: paella
I regret: hurting people I care about.
I cry: more often than I'd like, less often now that end-of-semester stress has eased up.
I care: too much
I always: try too hard
I feel alone: often
I listen: as best I can.
I hide: my anger
I drive: a red 2004 Pontiac Vibe
I sing: in the car
I dance: in the car (carefully)
I write: less than I'd like
I play: too much WoW
I miss: high school, the combination of learning and social life in the same place
I search: for security and comfort
I learn: slowly
I feel: hungry
I know: some stuff...less than I'd like
I say: "I love you."
I succeed: mostly by accident
I dream: of being confident
I wonder: what's wrong with me
I want: to know what I'm doing
I have: more than most people
I give: too much of myself
I fight: when I feel something is worth fighting for

s p e c i f i c s
1. do you do drugs?: No.
2. What kind of shampoo do you use?: Herbal Essences, it smells pretty :)
3. what are you most scared of?: Being judged
4. what are you listening to right now?: Ryan is playing the WoW soundtrack
5. who is the last person that called you?: Justin
6. where do you want to get married?: somewhere beautiful...possibly an old stone church
7. how many buddies are online right now?: 2, one idle.
8. what would you change about yourself?: my confidence, my muscles

1. color: combinations of pinks and purples
2. food: potatoessssss
3. boys names: Josh, Dexter, Raymond, David
4. girls names: Ruth (yes, I like my name!), Olivia, Ophelia, Aurelia
5. subjects in school: English
6. animals: Cats.
7. sports: soccer, baseball, swimming, rock climbing

h a v e | y o u | e v e r
1. given anyone a bath?: helped someone shower, if that counts
2. smoked?: no
3. bungee jumped?: you couldn't pay me enough
4. made yourself throw up?: no
5. skinny dipped?: No.
6: ever been in love?: Yes.
7. made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: No.
8. cried when someone died?: No.
9. lied: Yes.
10. fallen for your best friend?: Yes
11. been rejected?: Yes.
12. rejected someone?: Yes.
13. used someone?: No.
14. done something you regret?: Yes

c u r r e n t
clothes: Jeans, smiley socks, t-shirt, sweatshirt
music: Ryan's WoW soundtrack
make-up: none
annoyance: lack of real kitchen
smell: um...nothing
desktop picture: the standard Apple thing, that pretty space thingie
book you're reading: "Wolves of the Calla", Dark Tower V, by Stephen King
cd in player: mix of mostly Apple commercial songs
dvd in player: it *was* Burn After Reading

a r e | y o u
understanding: I try to be
open-minded: yes
arrogant: no
insecure: Yes.
interesting: probably not
random: pineapple?
hungry: yes
smart: depends
moody: I can be
hard working: sometimes
organized: yes and no. mostly no.
healthy: not nearly as healthy as I want to be and WILL BE
shy: Yes
difficult: sometimes
attractive: I've been told yes, but I dunno
bored easily: books are your friend
responsible: I don't like responsibility, but yes
obsessed: ohhh yeah. with so many things.
angry: Sometimes.
sad: Sometimes.
happy: Sometimes.
hyper: Sometimes
trusting: I used to be very trusting, now it takes a little while.
talkative: sometimes...I no talk good tho
legal: Yes, woopity woopity

w h o | d o | y o u | w a n n a
kill?: people in WoW who gank me for no reason >.<
slap: depends
get really wasted with?: hmmm...
get high with: hmm...
talk to offline: Any of my friends.
talk to online: For some reason I don't like IMing. Yet I'm on Adium on the time just in case someone wants to talk to me. *shrug*
sex it up with: my parents are gonna read this, man...

r a n d o m
in the morning i am: A chipmunk of a zombie. (I like Justin's answer, so I'm leaving it.)
all you need is: love
love is: everything
i dream about: whatever is on my mind

w h i c h | i s | b e t t e r
coke or pepsi: coke
flowers or candy: what kind of candy?
tall or short: uh. I dunno.

o p p o s i t e | s e x
what do you notice first: Body type, actions, eyes. This is purely what I actually notice first.
last person you slow danced with: Ryan
worst question to ask: are you grumpy?

w h o
makes you laugh the most: Ryan, Dan, Justin, Dad
makes you smile: Ryan, Dad
gives you a funny feeling when you see him/her: Ryan, Jennifer Aniston
who do you have a crush on: I plead the 5th

d o | y o u | e v e r
sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to IM you?: no
save conversations: Yes, it's automatic on Adium
wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: Never. I like having boobs, thanks.
wish you were younger: No.
Cried because someone said something to you?: Yes. Or about me.

N u m b e r
of times i have had my heart broken: 5
of hearts i have broken: 2?
of girls I've kissed: 1
of tight friends: 3 or 4?
of cds i own: 20 or 30
of scars on my body: 4 or 5. Yay cats.
of things that I regret: countless.

Girls/Love/And Other Stuff...
061. Have you ever been in love? Yes.
067. What do you look for in a girl: Sense of humor, level of femininity (don't want girly-girls or "butches"...of course, I have a boyfriend, so what does it matter?)
068. First thing you notice about the opposite sex?: Body type, actions, eyes
069. What type of girl do you usually go for?: Strong-willed, confident, silly
070. Do you have a gf?: No. BF, yes.
073. Do you have a crush right now?: Yes.
074. If so who is it?: I plead the 5th.
075. Do you believe in love at first sight?: Sort of
078. Do you believe in fate?: Sort of
079. Do you believe in soul mates?: Yes, but I don't believe you only have one soul mate. (leaving Justin's answer because I agree with it.)
080. If so do you believe you'll ever find yours? I think I've met at least a couple.


Long distance relationships = Like to avoid them, but anything for love
Using someone = Against.
Killing people = Against
Teenage smoking = Against.
Premarital sex = For
Driving drunk = Against.
Gay/lesbian relationship = For.
Soap operas = Against
Abortions = Pro-choice. To paraphrase Colin Powell, no one likes or really wants an abortion. It's about circumstances. Most of all, it's about personal choice.


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