(no subject)

Nov 14, 2008 11:15

There's a rally going on across the country tomorrow, to protest the passing of Prop 8.

Here are the places in CT.

Here's the main page for Wet Paint, which has a list of states so you can find where it's happening in yours!

And the main page for Join The Impact.

And, to keep passing it along, Keith Olbermann's Special Comment on Prop 8. I teared up. He hit the nail square on the head.

Someone I read on LJ, rosalarian2, made a post this week saying that Prop 8 passing may have been the best thing that happened for the LGBT movement. People all over the country, regardless of their orientation or situation, are pissed about this, and this is making a lot of things happen very quickly. If it hadn't passed, it would have been great, yes, but with it passing, more people are paying attention, realizing just what it all means now. Prop 8 didn't just block rights, it took them away from same-sex couples that were already legally married.

And if I hear one more argument about "Well, if two men or two women are allowed to marry, then where does it stop?", I'm going to explode. It stops at two consenting adults. That question, to me, just equates gay men and women with animals, or underage young adults. If two people want to get married, and they both have full mental capacity and consent to do so, no one has any goddamned right to tell them no. Well, unless they're related, but that's another story.

It just...this whole issue boggles me. To repeat a favorite phrase of mine, this time in a serious tone, it hurts my brain. What is so wrong with two people, who love each other and are willing to commit to each other, being together? Who is that hurting, dammit? How is more love and happiness a bad thing?!

...alright, I'll get off my soap box now. This is just a pet issue of mine, and I'd go tomorrow if I could (and if Hartford didn't scare and annoy the bejeezus out of me). I hope this gets picked up by every news station, and gets shown around the country. I hope more people get the message.
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