Because it's my journal and I'll WoW if I want to.

Oct 25, 2008 23:00

I started out a new character on Bladefist, which is a "Normal" realm, where players can choose to be PvP (Player vs Player) or PvE (Player vs Environment). I love my characters on Dunemaul (Murtle FINALLY hit 40, woo!) and Arthas, which are both PvP servers, but I am SO FREAKING SICK of being attacked for no reason besides being the opposite faction.

So I moved to Bladefist, and started up a Troll Priest. I'm in Razor Hill, at level 9, halfway to 10...and I only have two quests, both of which are higher level than me (11 and 12). I made an attempt at the level 11 one, and died....twice. Harshly.

I tried the new option of showing lower level quests, and none show up. I ran to Orgimmar, but had to immediately hearth back to Razor Hill thanks to a freaking plague roach.

Which brings me to part two of my ranting. This zombie invasion thing is driving me up the wall. Can't go to the bank, can't go to the auction house...can't opt out of the whole thing and just go about my business.

Can't play on Dunemaul thanks to zombies, not really interested on either character on Arthas, can't play my troll on Bladefist...well, shit, why am I playing this game, huh?

Weh weh weh.

Okay, I'm done now.


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