(no subject)

Jul 24, 2008 01:33

I've been awful with posting, this summer, haven't I? Need to fix that. Problem is, nothing is really going on. I'm working, hanging out with friends, playing games, sleeping..that's my life right now. Oh, and complaining, I've been doing a lot of that lately. On a completely unrelated note, I'm officially off Budiprion (aka Welbutrin's generic). And once again, I went off a medication on the same week as my "monthly visitor". I'm so smart.

Monday was David's birthday! I called, although we were both kinda busy so didn't get a chance to talk long. Ryan and I will be there in a matter of weeks, yay!

I'm thinking of applying for the part-time offering at Bombadil's Spirit Shop, next to Big Y in Mansfield. 10-20 hours a week, some evenings and Saturdays. I'm not getting many hours at Curves, and they're all sporadic and make is impossible to get another part-time job, so...*shrug*. I need the money, and this seems to be the only option other than outright quitting for another job altogether. Except that jobs are impossible to freaking find right now, just ask Ryan and Justin!

Took the cats to the vet today, 3 of them, wow was THAT fun. Plan was for all four, with Tux and Mog in the big cat box together, but Tux managed to get out of it. We'd get one of the brothers in the box, go to put in the other, and either the first would escape, the second would escape, or they'd go after each other in a ball of claws. Again: fun. And Clarisse, who usually doesn't like me very much (or, for that matter, anyone who isn't Mom) turned into a screaming, hissing, spitting hellbeast. Growling, hissing, yowling, clawing, biting, the works. She was the hardest and scariest of all of them.

Jasper is usually the hardest, since he completely panics and freaks the hell out, but I went for him first before he had a chance to get too excited, and his dramatic weight loss has made him weaker and easier to handle. When I say dramatic, by the way, I mean it; he used to weigh 13 pounds, today he was 8.9. Fur and bones. *worry* Mom's taking Tux in for his shots tomorrow, she'll be getting Jasper's blood and urine results then. Send some good vibes his way, pretty please?

I realized, as they carted him off to take blood, that all our male cats have had health issues, with one exception. Zach had a thyroid problem that made him lose weight dramatically (hmm), Phineas died more or less of a heart attack, and the one "exception", Zebu, was hit by a car. Oh, and Mog has a heart murmur. So far Tux is the only "normal" one (*crosses fingers*).

Something else I've realized: I can talk on and on about my cats. I can't help it. I should probably feel pathetic and crazy (Crazy Cat Lady! No, wait, that's Mom...), but I don't. They're very important to me, that's all there is to it. They're not my whole life, just a vital part of it.

Oh, and a big kudos to Ryan, for helping me take the cats to the vet today. He helped wrangle the brothers and carry Mog's box, and, since I was a dummy and left my car on all night, drove us all to the vet. And them jumped my car afterwards. Such a good boyfriend :)

For a while I've been being self-negative about my body, focusing on my fat and lack of exercise or proper diet. I've been foiled, however, by multiple people telling me that I look great. I know people's views of my body shouldn't matter that much, but I'm not the only out there who likes it, now am I? Especially from my boyfriend--any feminazis reading this screaming at me can go shove it. Anyway, I've come to yet another realization--it's not my weight that's bothering me, it's my strength. My stamina is pitiful (DDR kills me very easily), and my muscles are weak (the Curves circuit kills me, now that's just SAD). Ryan may have passed his knife on to me, but even with that, I'd be screwed if I had to defend myself. I'm just completely out of shape, no muscle tone, no stamina. So I'm keeping my eyes open for a class or exercise thing that can help me tone up without passing out. A while ago, Catsy and I were taking a yoga/pilates class that would be perfect to take again, except it's nonexistent at the moment. I'm going to keep looking for something similar, though, try to hop on the x-trainer more often, and start loading up on protein so I have the energy to work out. I have being weak, and I'm going to fix it. Dammit.

I now have two characters: Suvj, Level 14 Nightelf Druid, on Arthas (professions: skinning & leatherworking); and Murtle, Level 13 Orc Shaman, on Dunemaul (professions: herbalism & alchemy).

Suvj has been frustrating as all fuck, or, more specifically, her quests have been. But that may be in the past now! I had been planning to get myself over to where Ryan and Justin are in the Wetlands, from my spot in Aberdine, but wasn't going to until I leveled some more. Until I was at the harbor, I saw a ship pull in, and got on it on a whim. Before I knew it we were at another harbor, and as we were pulling out of that one, I realized I was in the Wetlands. I jumped out just before the ship jumped to its next destination, swam to town, and Ryan came to fetch and lead me. Now I'm in Loc Modan, although I managed to get flight paths to Ironforge and some other places.

Murtle has been much more enjoyable. She's stronger both in melee and magic, hardier when it comes to armor/hp, and just easier to quests and level with in general. Can handle herself better than Suvj, basically--hurts more, takes more, levels faster, dies a whole lot less often. Maybe not as pretty--c'mon, orc versus nightelf?--but cooler looking in other ways. Purple ponytail-mohawk ftw. And damn but totems are helpful.

May make a third character soon--most likely a warlock. I want a minion! :D

...okay, apparently "minimal" means two paragraphs. I'm not obsessed, really.

Watched Memento tonight with the boys. That is one messed up movie. So freaking confusing. My advice is to never, ever, watch it while intoxicated or stoned. I think my mind would melt under those circumstances.

Alright, it's past 2 in the morning, I think it's time for sleep. Enjoy the update!

cat, wow, work, exercise

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