(no subject)

Apr 22, 2008 11:43

First, I want to express my condolences to all the friends of Aurora, aka Kate. I only knew her by association, but by all accounts she was a good person, and a great friend. I am so sorry for your loss. I'm not personally touched by her loss, but I feel all your pain, and I wish I could help in some way.

*hugs to all*

I had dreams last night...about cats. Specifically, my cats...more specifically, Zacky and Bastet. So I woke up with them in my thoughts, and I especially can't get Bastet off my mind. I miss her so much. I miss them both.

Don't know why I have this dream today, why they're on my mind now. Bastet disappeared last fall, Zach died two Decembers ago. Nothing involving the spring...hell, spring has always been good to me. After months of snow and gray and bleak, sunshine and warm breezes and gorgeous blue skies with white puffy clouds. A few of my best friends were born in spring, my favorite auntie, my birthday is in spring. Spring is when my mood bounces back, when everything seems possible and nothing seems impossible. Spring is when my life comes back to me.

So why the bad dream now, why the sad memories now. Bah.


I'm making myself some GORP (Granola, Oats, Raisins, Peanuts), except a little different. Cashews, peanuts, raisins, pistachio kernels, chocolate granola, chocolate and peanut butter chips. Yeah, some sweet things in there, but I have such a sweet tooth, I can't help it.

You should see me with tea. I cover the bottom of the mug with 2-3 millimeters of honey. SWEEEEEEEET.

Got my Advertising things back yesterday, the 97 and 100 grades. Ironically, the "lower" grade had the comments on it that made me the happiest: "You will do very well in a 4-year school & grad school because you are a self-directed learner & should be proud. (I am of you)." All the other comments were along the lines of being able to apply the knowledge...some of my favorite comments to hear, that's always been my fear, not being able to "do it right".

She (Waldron) and Mom also talked yesterday, way before my class. For the second time, Waldron called me "the WonderRuthie", and told Mom that when I want to write, I do it very well. Not the exact words, but something along those lines...:)

I could have gone to a 4-year and be graduating, but I'm really finding myself here at MCC, I've figured it out. I have a better idea, now, of what I want to focus on with undergrad and grad school.

And then look at Justin--he only really did one semester's worth of classes at a community college, and now he's making damn good money at a job he loves, that he's qualified for--not because of school, but because of what he's been teaching himself, and what he's done on his own.

Education isn't everything, big name schools aren't everything, being happy and doing what you love and what you're good at, that's what's important. Getting where you want to go the best way that works for you, that's what's important.

Alright, enough from me right now...

school, cat

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