(no subject)

Jan 07, 2008 17:15

This makes me so very amused. Hehehehehehehehehehe...

Meow meow meow, meow meow, mew, mao, mew mew mew, meow...

Just kidding. Yes, Catsy, I stole your voicemail idea. Nyah.

Mog's tail is just about all better, they took the sutures out on Friday, so all that's left are a few little scab bits that will deal with themselves eventually. Early last week, we discovered he had wiggled out of his lampshade-collar-thing. When I cornered him, his tail looked fine, he hadn't bitten at the stitches or anything. So when we found the collar, sans cat, the second time, we just said fuck it. And he's been perfectly fine--certainly happier and more "social" than he was with the lampshade on, for obvious reasons. And I say "social" because he's a wimp, but once in a while he'll wander around where we're sitting, brush up against us, lay around where we are and blink at us, that kind of thing. If we try to approach him, he zips off, but that's alright.

Tux is much more social--in fact, he's coming up to curl up next to me for the second time today. He spends a lot of time upstairs, partly sniffing around, partly lounging around the living room (I brought one of their scratching posts upstairs to this room), partly annoying the snot out of Clarisse.

It's funny, she can't stand Tux, we've had to intervene in hissing matches several times (although I can't blame her completely, he does stalk her)...but Mog, she could care less. So you know, Clarisse is mostly white, with splashes of black and brown (Mom calls her an exploded Mallomar, I call her a peanut butter hot fudge sundae), Tux is a tuxedo cat (only partially responsible for his name), and Mog is completely white. Clarisse detested Bastet (completely black), and only tolerates Jasper (dark brown Maine Coon) because he grew a pair and started standing up for himself, and, as I said, she can't stand Tux. All the dark cats = evil in her mind. The first other light-colored cat, she ignores him completely, doesn't mind his presences nearly as much as his mostly-black brother. Either it has something to do with her own coloring...or she's a racist. Furist. Whatever.

In other news...I quit the UConn Co-op. I am FREE and could not be happier about it. Sometime this week I'll stop by Curves and sort out scheduling with Joanne, if she still wants me. Also this week I need to call therapists to make get-to-know-each-other appointments, and my doctor to deal with this mole on my neck.

The semester begins on Friday the 25th, which means my first real day of classes is Monday the 28th. Three whole weeks from today. So class, and yet so far...*le sigh*

Went with a nice walk with Dad yesterday, tramped around the Ruby-Fenton park, taking pictures of the frozen streams and talking about everything under the sun. :)

Mom got a picc-line in her arm last week--an IV line in her arm, basically, or IV access straight into her arm, that kind of thing. The Lyme disease is still so bad (after 6+ months!) that they're taking a shot at intravenous methods to treat it. So far her pain has gone down, so that's a definite plus :)

Alright, I've taken long enough with this entry--over an hour, what with running off to do stuff and chatting with Mom when she got home and such. *La te da...*

family, spiffy, school, cat, work

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