(no subject)

Dec 30, 2007 00:41

Tonight was awesome. Ryan, Jess, Catsy and I hung out for about an hour at the mall, then Catsy and Simon had to go, so Jess, Ryan and I got dinner at Rein's Deli, then hung out at his house for a while. It was just a lot of fun, lots of positive energy, it really made me feel much better about life in general.

Of course, I was supposed to have work today, but I was up until 4 in the morning because of stuff happening online, so I was exhausted and upset and not at all in any shape for going to work. Oy. Slept until about noon, was a semi-lazy, semi-domestic blob until 5ish, then the hanging out happened.

Overall, day started fairly low, but is ending on a pretty nice high. :)

Oh, and because GameStop had a buy-2-get-2-free sale going on with used movies, I ended up buying four movies and a DS game case. The movies are Signs, Shaun of the Dead, Little Miss Sunshine, and The Hobbit. That last one, along with recently finding The Last Unicorn on DVD at Target (for like 7 bucks!), has kick-started my Library of Childhood movies & TV. The game case is white, with Fireball Mario sending out a fireball, and text saying "This is why I'm HOT..." It's corny, but I likes it.

And I'm officially a geek. I'm addicted to Pokemon. Pearl edition, of course, cuz I love pearls to death...enjoying it immensely. As Ryan put it, it's just a complicated game of Rock, Paper, Scissors XD

Right, can you tell I'm all hyper with up energy? :) Going to go climb into bed and read or something before something makes my mood crash. Ciao!
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