(no subject)

Sep 22, 2007 11:41

So, Bastet's been MIA for a couple of days now...I'm seriously worried. Jasper's the one with the habit of doing this, not Bastet. I've been whistling and calling out the back and front doors just about every chance I get, to no avail. :( Mom promised to text me at the first sighting, so I've been watching my cell phone like a flippin' hawk. And I'm tramping through the woods today when I get home, both sides of the road, to make sure she isn't injured and/or stuck somewhere out there. I've already done the worst-fear-paranoia bit of checking the sides of the road down our street, thankfully finding nothing.

:( I want my kitty...

In more YAYness , I just spent almost an hour and a half moving the entire Political Science section around to make room for 13 books from the Late Order section. All by my lonesome, while my coworker for the day, Hilary, sat at the desk...at least until this past, like, hour. Her wallet, keys, and cell phone are all still here under the counter, but she's not on the floor, in the lounge, or in the bathroom. I've got no clue where she is. Is it a bad thing that I don't entirely care that much? *shrug*

Hung out for a little while with Dad yesterday evening. Had a quick sojourn into Salvation Army, where I found a lovely little surprise: a Vera Bradley bag for $5. XD It's about the twice the size of mine, and a pattern I've never seen before, which makes me think it was discontinued. The strap has some wear on it, but otherwise it's in good shape. And pretty. ^^

Looked it up here, and it is indeed a retireed pattern, as of July 2004, named "Jasmine". However, I can't find the model anywhere. Oh well. It's purty, it was cheap, I'm happy.

Got my Saunders paper back in Film Study yesterday, had good reviews. ^^ He only grades them on three scales: "+1" means you turned it in on time to full requirements, "P" means you turned it in on time, but it was only eh, and "-3" means you didn't turn it in at all. On both the things we've turned in, I've gotten a "+1", which isn't very descriptive, but his notes in the margins have been full of praise. So yay. :)

For Managerial Communication, we have a group project of creating and promoting a presidential candidate for the "Purple Party". What that has to do with communication, I'm not sure, except that we're supposed to use what we're learning on teamwork and discussions and fixing problems and blah blah blah. I just don't know how we're supposed to show that or be graded on that...? *shrug* Whatever, it sounds like it'll be a fun project once we get started, and I already learned a lot on business communication from Principles of Management last semester, so it's all good.

Corporate Finance has been much more interesting than I expected, and much less confusing! XD And I've somehow managed to finally fucking understand a lot of Accounting stuff I'd forgotten and/or just never managed to comprehend before. XD!!

Elementary Statistics...*shrug* It's alright. It's basically Quantitative Literacy all over again, at least so far. Stem plots and box plots and histograms and whee, with occasional playing with Minitab (which means sneakily playing with LJ and the like), and wanting to kill Rob, the possibly-mentally-challenged classmate who hasn't learned some social boundaries, like shutting the fuck up in class. It may sound cruel, but I'm not the only one, and it doesn't seem like he doesn't have ability to understand what not to do, it was just never explained to him and he hasn't picked it up. I don't know. It's just frustrating and annoying as hell.

Hilary still isn't back...it might have been an hour now, I'm not entirely sure when exactly she *poof*ed. *shrug* I has a book, I'll be fine. Whee...

school, cat, work

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