(no subject)

Aug 01, 2007 13:49

Hey, another update, waddayaknow!

1) In celebration & preparation of the new Harry Potter book, I have begun to reread the series from the beginning. Started Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone last night, and already I remember why I fell in love with the whole thing. The plan is to read through them all, then either buy the paperback of Deathly Hallows, or borrow someone's hardcover copy if the paperback isn't out yet (all mine are paperback right now, and I want 'em all to match...shaddup).

2) Today was the best Psych class ever. The lecture was on Motivation, which ended up hitting on sex. Prof. Val is frikkin' awesome. That's all I can really say.

3) Got my oil changed. Whee. Fairly cheap, too, $20 with the rebate, which I plan on mailing out tomorrow morning. Not bad at all!

4) Called David last night to make sure it was alright for Justin and I to visit. 'Tis. Justin and I then hopped online and booked the hotels. Our itenerary is more or less set, just need to fine-tune the details. Will post it sooner or later.

5) Went to Curves today, but only did one circuit, kinda felt crappy even before I started. Came home and ate lunch, feel better for it, but I don't like missing out on exercise cuz of my stomach. >.<

6) WANT. The whole collection is ridiculously pretty.

7) Saturday, Mom and I are visiting Clinton to see Uncle Bill, Aunt Marge, Uncle Bruce, Auntie M, baby cousin Kate, and possibly cousins Pru and Zach (I'm not clear on that). That may be all day, I'm not sure.

Need to buy presents...among a million other things. Whee!

Oh, and I figured out my grade so far in the class. Out of a possible 350 points, I have 311, for a grade of 89%. Oh, and I got my first exam back on Monday--91%, A-. XD I's happy so far...only two quizzes, one class, and an in-class Final left to go. Last class, with the Final, is Wednesday the 8th...two days later, Justin and I head off for New York at an ungodly hour. Whee!

Off I go!

spiffy, school, car, book

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