(no subject)

May 17, 2007 12:02

So far, this week officially sucks.

Went to the chiro yesterday morning. Got back looked at, got cricked and cracked, and got a note for my boss saying that I wasn't playing sick, and to avoid the following:
[o]lifting more than 10 pounds
[o]repeated reaching above my head
[o]repeatd bending below my waist
[o]repeated bending and twisting

Now, anyone who knows my job, knows that all those things? Make my job, just about completely. So I went in to work a little early, talked to Madeline, told her all the above. She said to just come back next week, if my back feels better then, but for today, just "go home and watch soap operas". I like that she has a sense of humor, and she wasn't mad about it, but it still sucks that I haven't worked at all this week. At least I got my paycheck for last week, a big fat $46. >.<

I have earned a total of $324.24. And I found my rebate from my camera's memory card for a WHOPPING $5, making my total monies $329.24. Is that enough for a party? *shrug* Is it bad that I'm tempted to work on my birthday to make more money? I won't, but...yeah.

Met Mom and Randy for breakfast (although I'd already eaten), she suggested taking my paychecks to People's and get my account opened. Maybe I will...but when I got home, I felt frustrated from not being able to go work, and useless. So I cleaned my car, did the dishes and empties, cleaned off the kitchen table, and cleaned the trash and papers out of my room. I think I aggrvated my back. I'm gonna see how I am in, oh, an hour or two, then I'll probably get myself cleaned up and go out to the bank.

For now, I'll...do something else. I dunno. It's just been a bad week, with one or two bright spots. Back hurting like fuck, unable to work, feels like people are rolling their eyes at me...*shrug*

Justin's trying to talk me into calling my gp today, but I have an appointment with my chiro for tomorrow morning, so I'm just going to wait until then. I mean, I didn't expect my back to magically not hurt today, although it *is* better. Mostly. There isn't a constant hurting anymore, and I can move a bit more without setting it off, although I'll forget about it for a while and do something normal--like turning my head or bending a certain way--and *pow!*


job, health

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