Feb 03, 2008 08:51
I hate Bank of America, and unless they hand me a significant amount of money and/ or increase in interest rate, I am no longer going to keep money there, which, i guess they really won't care about as I keep so little money there.... oh, but wait, my parents are so pissed they're thinking about switching too, or at least saying so as leverage. <3
What happened was as follows:
1. The week before going to spain I called the bank to tell them that I am going to Spain and the exact dates which I will be there for. I talked to TWO DIFFERENT departments for most of an hour and they told me that I would be fine using my card overseas.
2. I withdrew enough euros to last me for my trip in spain which is pretty usual what with the penalty fees for not using your own ATM/exchange bullshit.
3. That night I get an email telling me that I've been cut off for "unusual activity"
4. I'm livid because I did what I was supposed to, they didn't, and I really didn't want to spend a gajillion dollars calling them from spain about it.
5. Once back in the states, I called them, and they tell me two really annoying things:
a. I still couldve used my card! -- but only to charge small items. Which is useless as I didn't know that and there are virtually no places to do so in Europe.
b. It wasn't unusual because I was in spain. It was the large amount of money. WTF.
6. I used my card to pay for dinner last night.
7. This morning I get an email telling me ive been cut off. AGAIN.
8. I lividly call the Bank, they tell me that the reason that I've been called is about the large sum of money I withdrew in Spain almost a month ago.