May 30, 2005 00:24
*Special thanks to those adults who think it is funny to track down their children and read something clearly not meant for them.
*Bonus for leaving an abnoxious comment about how wrong all children are.
Yes we all know Mandie is the following:
1 bride from hell
2 lazy
3 ungreatful
4 disrespecful
5 demanding
6 worste daughter ever
7 bad example
8 added expence of their precious money
9 nothing to be proud of
I think that covers it.............
Maybe in some alternate universe they will accept me for who I am, they will realize I can't do everything they want, they will be proud of me for something, they will not think that everything I ever accomplished is because of them, they will stop critisizing the choices I make, that I will be able please them somehow.
---------maybe I am just kidding myself
47 days never seemed so long.