I'm kinda really ready for 2010.

Dec 18, 2009 21:59

I am a big fan of Christmas, but this month has really sucked a whole lot. Hopefully the start of 2010 is a vast improvement over the end 2009.

I've gotten most of my shopping done for Christmas, but I've wrapped ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. It's not even remotely pretty. I'm keep hoping that our expected company either cops out or doesn't stay long tomorrow. I seriously considered faking the stomach flu tonight and canceling... I know that sounds awful, but a little down-time would be really fricken lovely. Sadly, it sounds like we will, indeed, have a house-full tomorrow. Does that sound as grouchy in print as does is in my head?

Also, I don't want to talk about the fact that my Phil will now be a *gratuitous use of uberdirty expletives redacted* Tiger. I mean, like Mom said, that's almost as bad as if he went to the cussed the Red Sox. And I can't even hate Granderson for it because I'm a big fan of his and I think it was a great move minus the whole "including Phil Coke" thing. Le sigh.

24_centuries here is the icon that I won't ever upload because I wouldn't ever use it, but think is sheer genius:

I belieeeeve the artist was called spikeface, but am not 100% sure. All I know is that I giggle ridiculously every time I see it. And also, Chekov The Toy is quite excited to now have Shiny New Cadet McCoy to hang out with. It makes him feel all grown up and special ^_^ (And also, I totally remembered before your text!nudge despite having washed my hands earlier thus removing my brilliant little reminder.)
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