May 29, 2006 20:38
Summer is almost here... and whats ahead?
Ah yes, our senior year... our last year.
Let me take this moment to tell you all some
of the high-lights of high school shall we?
In High School you...
lose your innocense
confuse your sexuality
break your heart
lose your best friend
drift from your family
turn to drugs
hurt the ones you supposedly love
run away
watch your friends die tragic deaths
shut out the world
Yes, its quite the pessimistic list, I know... but you know its true.
At least one of these have happend to you... I know its happend to be...
all but one actually.
To Michael, I have lost my innocense
To Eric, who broke my heart
To Faren, the friend I lost
To Mamaw, I can no longer stand you
To Michael, Im sorry I hurt you
To Everyone, I'm sorry for leaving and never comming back
To Ammy, RIP... I miss you
To the world, I'm sorry I shut you out and turned you away
maybe the drugs would have made things better...
Summer is almost here and I would like to make things right before next summer. you can help me.
I will give you my phone number, and my address. weather you want me around or you come around is completly up to you. but I would like some nice memories before life as a child stops.