Condom Firm Streches Product Line

Dec 06, 2009 14:02

Life is good.


I have successfully completed a decent portion of X-mas present making/shopping. There are still plenty of people I should get stuff for, but I'm at a loss. Anyone want jewelry for the holidays? I never manage to find something for everyone; too many of you strange people. Still, in the interest of making wishes so they can come true....

What do you want for Christmas?

I'm having a hellofa time answering that question myself, actually. I need a new bead box.... Well, I'm easy to get stuff for.

Speaking of which, I think I got screwed on Jaz Kidz Secret Santa (secret non-denominational winter present giving of your choice). I got "the new girl".... so new that she hadn't actually started work yet (she does tonight) and no one except those boss people have met her. Of course, they don't know anything about her. Usually, at staff meetings, we all fill out paper about what we like and dislike and those are mixed up and given out. For example, in the section on what you like to drink, I write: Whiskey (Irish), Coffee - NOT Starbucks OMG EWWWW, nice tea, whiskey. (That's not a typo). Since new girl (Chryste) wasn't there, here paper looks like this:
? food

Yep. That's it. Urgh.

I'm hoping new girl Chryste has a sense of humor, because I went ahead and bought the Common Cold microbe plushie from Thinkgeek while doing other shopping. I figured that whoever I got for this year's SS would likely find that amusing. So, there is at least something. Damnit though, I want it to be a more meaningful present. I hate the lame presents. Last year I got shower stuff from bubbles. It was boring, and some of it smelled like gardenia. I don't like giving boring presents.

Chryste works overnights the same days as me at the other house. I'm trying to get AM staff over there to give her the 3rd degree so that I can come up with something original. Otherwise, a gift basket of things to do on overnights. Here's hoping she drinks coffee.

Then there is also Susan. Susan is the financial adviser/planner/etc. for Jaz Kidz. She's one of the very few who don't work with the kids, but she keeps everything running from a money perspective. She's top of her game, and also super nice. Last two X-mas dinners, Ryan and I sat with her and her husband. Good people. Last two years, she got screwed on Secret Santa. Now, Leah gives everyone $5.00 - $15.00 gift cards to Starbucks around the holidays. Someone just took those cards out of their own and gave them to Susan for SS. Now THAT is Office style lame. Good lord. Anywho, she's not participating this year, but I still want to get/make her something. That lady is gold.

Oh work, the things you do to me.

I ordered a purple tree from Walmart, and it should come in the mail soon. PURPLE. Sometime after it has arrived, I will run around to the lots and grab some fir branches for the smell, but I won't have to worry about finding a tree in the future. And it's me. A purple tree is just perfect, dah?

There are lots of projects still, some of which I need help on. Waiting until finals are over...

OH, that reminds me! I'm done with CR this semester... sorta! One class has no final, so this week was the last week for it. In Thomas' Critical Thinking, I didn't have to take the final because I had a 95% A in the class. Woooo! Me and 3 others. I also got a giant golden paperclip (longer than my hand is wide, I swear) for getting the highest cumulative quiz score of the class at 100%. Yay me! I'm done having to drive up to CR this semester! I still need to take a final for my History class, but that isn't due until the 14th. I'll study some at work this week and take the final Thursday. I currently have 140% in that class, so I'm not actually concerned. I'm essentially done... now it is time to work on the BSW application *shock!*

That personal statement will be the most difficult. My writing skills have decayed in the last couple of years, and I'm going to need to be at the top of my game. It's a short 5 pages (double spaced? single?), but it'll need to be packed. Anyone wanna help me with the editing process?

More beading will happen! I keep wanting to write informative essays about different aspects of beading because I think that many people don't have any concept about the style of beading I do. Not to sound egotistical or anything; it's more like I want to share these things so that people might have some understanding of something I dearly love.

Made two earrings and two bracelets last night.

I also got the stuff to start sewing. Ryan found the power cord and pedal, I got 3-in-1 oil, canned air, needles (a variety), thread, and the manual. This means that, once I clean everything and figure out how to thread the machine (and make bobbins!) I can actually start sewing. It's getting closer!

Projects: Re-organize the fabric/craft drawers at the landing. Re-organize the top of the landing to accommodate smaller altar space and X-mas decorations. Wrap presents, and mail those that need to be mailed. Keep on... beeeeeading. Re-organize livingroom walls....

I am beginning to want the front room to look different. I think... it's a little like being bored with my surroundings.

And someday? Someday I'll replace that couch/loveseat thing with one that is better (but is without the fold out bed).

Am reading: _Zombie_ by Oates, the first of the Harry Potter books (audio). I jumped on the wagon years later. Go me.


bsw, secret santa, crafty, school, work, beading

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