Sep 07, 2011 09:57
my stomach hurts
woke up with my left boob hurting soo bad too
i keep getting these really cold sweats
am i sick?
back in school
really liking my classes
really liking getting these wheels turning again
i missed this side of me :)
work work work work work
school school school school
that is my schedule
but i got to admit i like it
however, it's finally taken its toll
i need at least one day off
one day to ride my bike
one day to offer to my friends and fam and bf
super stoked on my new desk
note to self:
possibly The cutest thing a guys ever done for me
i bought myself a desk, kept expecting the usual out of a guy, "nothin in it for me, ... procrastinate....procrastinate"
went to work, met up with him, asked, "am i going to have to get a friend to do this for me, is it going to be on of those things that sits in a box in the second bedroom forever?" came home, opened the front door and there was my desk and chair all set up. I wont ever forget that. best moment ever. :)
I love it.
I now feel i have a space for myself in this house.
i believe it is the 20 in me. memememe.
i want this, i want that,
isn't it best to get this all out now?
i think it makes sense
plus, middle child syndrome. I've almost always had to share everything with my sisters, i like having my own stuff.
idk, i feel i can analyze in many different angles, however, i feel Everyone feels this way. who doesn't like to have things for themselves. ESPecially if they've worked super hard their whole life....well since high school anyhow.
Ask my parents, I've earned my Me!
anyway, i've got homework to do before class. peace
it was nice to get sometime for Me though :)