Title: Miss you
Pairing: Rimmer/Lister
Word count: 230
Spoilers: Season 7
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Do you think if I owned Red Dwarf I would be in university trying to avoid work?
AN: I’m new to writing Red Dwarf so please be nice to me, the LJ cut directs you to my journal. Also reviews are like hugs and chocolate all rolled into one.
I know I hated you, you made it so difficult to like you, you were spiteful, bitter and as twisted as a spiral staircase and every other negative feature that made up the mess that was your soul. But for the love of God I miss you, I keep on wondering where you are, if you are finally enjoying life for a change. Being Ace, saving a million damsels in distress, and turning everyone’s head with your newly found charisma. But I still miss you, every time the Cat is being selfish and vain, every time Kryton insists cleaning, worrying about us two and just being a mother hen I wish you were there making a smart comment designed to hurt before one of us hurts you, but we took no notice because we knew how you worked, you just didn’t realise that if you didn’t insult us we would have liked you more and even tried to socialise with you more. That kiss meant a lot to me, I would have begged you to stay but I knew you needed to become Ace, I just wish you would come home, here to Starbug. I’m lonely Rimmer, please come home, to me. The space bum.