Jun 18, 2004 14:22
hey this is my new diary ya'll!!! i luv it! especially my bio...its all bout me.lol. dont know what to say.......dont put twinkies on ur pizza!!!! all right enough retardedness. heres all bout me!!! suffer!!!
[x] Part 1 -- The Basics [x]
What's your name? ::: Kaity, blah
Birthplace ::: A hospital. The old hospital in crown point
Age ::: 12. o well, who cares anyway
Age you act ::: 8 1/2. im really goofy
Current location ::: in my room
Eye color ::: Poopy brown
Hair color ::: Light brownish with blonde highlights
Right, lefty or ambidextrous? ::: Lefty. but i do everything else righty
Zodiac sign? ::: Aries
Height? ::: 5'6". im a giant!!
[x] Part 2 -- Describe... [x]
Your heritage/nationality ::: Half Greek half Polish. i like meat!
Your hair ::: Hmmmmmm... it's kinda long but its just ther on my head.
Your fears ::: < BUGS >
Your perfect room ::: It would be bright orange and have squishy walls. a fridge. and just have all this weird futuristic furniture and a funnay smell to it.
What you practically do in a day ::: Wake up. stay in pj's. eat food. maybe a shower. do something with hollie. then just do w/e i feel like.
[x] Part 3 -- What is/are... [x]
Words you overuse ::: "retard" "cheese"
Phrases you overuse ::: "fooey on squidward" "you smell"
Your first thought when you wake up ::: it goes from MmMmM food to O Crap!
Your greatest accomplishment ::: Finally beating my gay older sister in bowling.
Something you want to do ::: I want to drive so i can just leave the house without anybody knowing.
[x] Part 4 -- This or that [x]
Pepsi or Coke ::: Pepsi. coke gives me headaches.
McDonald's or Burger Kings ::: Burger king. MmMmMmM chicken tenders.
Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera ::: They both are slutty.But i like christina more bc she's not a HICK!!
Chocolate or vanilla ::: Chocolate. even though it looks like poop.lol!
Adidas or Nike ::: Adidas. I like the pretty color stripes!
Black or white ::: Black. I always get white dirty.
Bills or Coins ((Think $$$)) ::: Bills. Cash money$!$!$
Burgers or hot dogs ::: Hot dogs all the way! MmMmMmM weiners!
Egypt or France ::: France. I like franch fries!
Rock or rap ::: Rock.
[x] Part 5 -- Do you...[x]
Smoke ::: YUCK!
Cuss ::: Yes, I do. Only when people piss me off.
Sing well ::: Are you kidding me?
Sing in the shower ::: Always to the cd im listening to.
Talk to yourself --a lot-- ::: No, not really.
Believe in yourself ::: Maybe.
Like taking these longass surveys? ::: No , not really but i got nothing else better to do.
Play an instrument ::: Yes.A clarinet. I'm a band geek.
Want to go to college? ::: Yes.
Want to get married? ::: Sure, if hes hott.
Want to have children? ::: Only one!
Think you're a health freak? ::: No. r u serious?
Get along with your parents ::: Ya sure.
Get along with your siblings? ::: AaAaAhHhHhH!!!
Think you're popular ::: Well, im not a prep, but im friends with a lot of weird people.
[x] Part 6 -- In the past month have you..[x]
Gone out of state ::: Yes. Illinois if that counts.
Drank alchohal ::: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!
Smoke ::: NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
Get high ::: NOOOOOO!!!!
Done any drugs ::: NOOO!!!!!
Eaten an entire box of oreos ::: YES!!! 2 boxes!!
Been on stage ::: No.
Gone skinny dipping ::: Nah. I dont like being naked in front of ppl!!
Been dumped ::: Nah.
Dyed your hair ::: Noooo.
Stolen anything ::: NO.
[x] Part 7 -- Your friends! =D [x]
Craziest ::: Megan
Loudest ::: Elyse. shes a weirdo.
Most shy ::: Bethany
Blondest ::: elyse
Smartest ::: MEEEEEEE!!!!
Kindest ::: Bethany, she talks to joe sanchez!!
Best personality ::: I dont know!!!
Most talented ::: Megan. she can do unusual things.
Best singer ::: Hollie+Elyse..hey they're in choir.
Most ghetto ::: Me and Megan. yo!
Drama Queen ((or King XP)) ::: Elyse. she cried when she didnt make poms.
Pain in the ass ::: Megan. lol
The one you just want to strangle to death ((Homer Simpson style))::: Elyse. Sometimes she's tooo dramatic.
Best person for advice ::: Bethany, shes the nice one.lol.
Dependable ::: Bethany.
Trustworthy ::: EVERYONE!
Druggie ::: NO ONE
Most likely to end up in jail ::: Hollie. ;)
Person you've known the longest ::: Hollie since 2nd grade!
[x] Part 8 -- The Last... [x]
Last dream ::: Wednesday
Last nightmare ::: A few weeks ago maybe.
Car ride ::: Today.
Last time you cried ::: I dunno its not like i write down when i do something.
Last movie seen ::: Heavyweights!! dont put twinkies on ur pizza!
Last movie rented ::: Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Last book read ::: "Stargirl"
Last word said ::: "Safety"
Last curse word said ::: "Bitch"
Last time you laugh ::: 2 sec. ago for no reason.
Last phone call ::: Meganick.seeing what she was doing.
Last CD played ::: Hoobastank. I was in the shower.
Last song you listened to ::: Lollipop Lust Kill "everything, I" [im in my sisters room]
Last annoyance ::: My sister. She kept beating me on a video game! Arrggg!!
Last IM ::: Manuel.HaHahahahah
Last weird encounter ::: Whats an encounter>?
Last person you hugged ::: My mommy.
Last person you yelled at ::: Joe Sanchez.he kept telling me what to do and I said Blah at his face really loud and he made me sit out.
Last time you wore a skirt ::: Never!!
Last time you've been evil ::: Right now!! Muwahahahahahah!
Sarcastic? ::: Kellie Butler.(hate her) she didnt get what i was being sarcastic about though.lol.
Last time you fought with your parents ::: I was being really crabby at my dad in the car bc he wouldnt take a shortcut and i was almost late for this thingy.
Last time you wished upon a star ::: Ummmmm lettme think.
Played Truth or Dare ::: Last saturday
Spent quality time alone ::: Everyday.
[x] Part 9 -- I swear this is the last one! -- Randomness [x]
Are you talking to someone on AIM ::: No, bc my poopy sister wont lettme get on!
Do you feel lonely ::: NO!!
Ever TP'd someone's house ::: No but i stole a decoration.
How about egging someone's house ::: Thought bout it but never happend.
Do you not like dislike not like me? ::: Whaatt?? im confused??
Ain't Eminem and 50 Cent just fine? ::: O man. dont even go there.
Yo Momma ::: Anja Daddy
Ever been so hungry you felt like you could eat the person next to you? ::: Yes. I was starving alright.
What do you think of George Bush? ::: Hahahah bush!! hes a hick from texas!!
Any secret fetishes? ::: I dont even know how to say that fenish word.
Do you like to wear chains? O_o ::: I only did once. but not occasionally.
How many languages do you speak? ::: I speaks American!!
Damn.. are your fingers tired? Cause mine sure are! ::: No.
Glad this is over? ((Say yes and I'll stalk you =P)) ::: My sister is i am too bc i cant understand sum words like fenish..