Jul 23, 2011 22:42
dustin fell out at 9pm tonight.
he never ever goes to sleep before me.
it's super weird like i'm living in an alternate universe.
although i don't blame him since he had to go to fucking work today. he got home around noon but still working on a saturday when you've already worked a full week sucks. i don't understand how people LIKE to work or people who make work their life. dustin and i work purely so we can have fun while we aren't at work. isn't that what life's about? enjoying your free time? well, it is for us.
also, i've had a headache ever since that stupid kid sprayed cologne 10X in the air in the checkout line. control your children people!
today was a good day. i'm too tired to write the details. maybe in the morning?
yeah, that sounds better.