Mar 01, 2006 08:33
has anyone else on earth ever felt that way... like you are sad about things going on now, but you have the ability to look into the future and laugh and say... i'm gone make it there.. it makes the days easier, but at the same time, is it insane? i mean, seriously, is the future my personal alcohol? do i use it to avoid thoughts about what is going on today?
hi, i'm amanda and i'm a futureholic? i'm an optimist?
i guess, my point is, many people might look at my life and wonder why the hell i keep smiling and saying,"hey, it's already ash wednesday." ... things that used to bother me in the past don't seem to bother me as much any more.
i always wanted to slide out of that cookie cutter and be perfect, but somewhere along the way my gummy insides got stuck and things screwed up. i was embaressed for a while, but i learn to appreciate it now.
yeah. what's up with ya?
oh yeah, toby lightman and ingram hill added to the boat recently.. hellfuckinweeeyot, beyatches.. but at the same time i am in anxt... too many new favorites, too many old favorites, how will i find the time????