Mar 08, 2009 23:30
- 10:20 I'm looking forward to getting home so I can have left over roast for lunch while watching Dollhouse and BSG. #
- 13:10 lost and broken and torn apart inside. #
- 19:05 Have moved from crushed to numb again. At least I can function somewhat when I'm numb. #
- 22:02 Wish I was stronger so I didn't have to put myself through all this. #
- 23:12 I put away I push it back to get through each day & all I feel is black and white and I'm wound up small and tight and I don't know who I am #
- 23:13 Listening to Sarah McLachlan's Surfacing probably isn't the best idea before I try to get some sleep #
- 23:24 Ok. No more music. Will put on BSG and have a nice long sleep. Tomorrow I will get up and throw myself into uni work. #
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