I can't think of a proper title >>;

May 24, 2009 22:33

First and foremost, HAPPY BIRTHDAY
sixthwinemaiden!! ♥♥♥ I miss fangirling with you~ ♥ Let's meet up soon, 'kay? :3


Something that made me sporfle today:

I saw a school with this written on the wall: This School is Sponsored by Oishi

It's this junk food famous in the Philippines, but the thought of Oishi owning a school still made me laugh :)) (I imagined the Yakiniku magistrate in a suit and ordering the little kiddies around XD) It's their fault for naming the product Oishi instead of Oishii anyway.

Tenipuri owns my life. But you and I already knew that. XDD


My dad is open with the idea of me withdrawing money from my bank account here in Tacloban!! Well, he's thinking about it. Though he's still kind of uncertain because he thinks I'm going to spend it on books. (For the record, no, Dad, I'm not planning on spending it on books, I'm planning on spending it on my very expensive fandom >>;) So! I may be able to buy both Masa's 2nd Live DVD and the 2STEPS DVD. Depends on how much is in my account. *crosses fingers* :x Yes, I don't know how much is in it as I haven't accessed it in years >>; But still, I can has money \o/


Another thing that made me lol today:

My family is planning to go to this resort next month to celebrate my 18th birthday. Without me. XDDD

Pfft. Oh how thoughtful of you, my dear family.

money money money, my life, birthday greetings

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