LOL, I forgot today's our fiesta ^^;

May 15, 2009 13:33

Ahaha. Yeah. What the title said. >>; I only realized when I woke up and heard my mom talking about guests coming and that we had to go to mass before they all came. ^^;


5thCast vs 4thCast introspection made me think about 8-chi, which made me think about AME times. :(( I like both casts, but I really think people are missing a lot in thinking that 4thCast lacks team spirit. They may not be as showy with their feelings to each other as 5thCast, but it's there. Just like...I don't know, like Inui and Kaidou's silent trust in each other. That, and they're not as insane as 5thCast ^^;

Just saying. :|


I probably should be out in the living room, but I don't really do good in a crowd ^^; And it's so hot, graah. >__<; *stays in the airconditioned room*

...Ahahaha, and I hear Hairspray on on TV XDDD

my life, tenimyu

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