cos of anatomy innit =]
cos of anatomy innit =]
did loads of stuff, separated big molecules into small ones - AMAZING actually! :
And I sat on Bob:
Scullion was being a fucking WANK to me again, as usual so at lunctime, for an hour and 20 mins, i went off by myself. and Jamie and Josh went off with him. Jamie[ Dude from Glasgow Academy who came to W.E. with us and he's going training in Iraq today! only 17! ]:
photographed a bit of Bansky's artwork that i found near the uni:
and i treated myself to a bit of shopping at Peckham's :
and i went to Botanic Gardens [twas a plane]:
more pics in my myspace:
comment and i'll give you the link =]
ones with ♥ beside the name are ones i took today [apart from kitty - that's yesterday's]