(no subject)

May 28, 2006 13:44

Dear dad,

Shut up. Really, just be quiet for one second. The reason no one listens to you is because you're always talking. Constantly gripping about the stupidest things. Face it life's not fair or nice, most people learned that back in firt grade, but somehow this tidbit of information managed to slip past your "superior intellect". People din't like a know it all especially when they don't know it all.

Mom and I are tired of your emo whining and have heard the same speeches at leastten times. You complain about people not listening to you, well then why don't you listen to us. You are the biggest hypocrite I know.When ever mom trys to explain anything to you, you just write it off as wrong and most of the time YOU are the one at fault. You are guilty of the same crimes you accuse others of an now I'm beginning to doubt any of those ever happened.

Maybe you should sit back, shut your mouth, and take a second to think about why people have been trating you like they are lately, if in fact you are even being mistreated.

Rumors arn't started with no reason. Perhaps you should look back and see how many nights you spent with her, how much time you spent talking to her after things, and just how close you were to her at one point and then absolutely deny that anything could have happened. You should know that I hated her up untill a few weeks ago when you two "broke it off", so to speak. I didn't realize why untill last summer Jerren asked me the question that apparantly everyone at chruch was asking, including your closest friends, were contemplating. Cheating isn't only physical.

You have brought this on yourself. Stop being such a emo drama queebn and use that "completely logical" head of yours to see what is really gouing on. Not everyone in the world can like you and just because things arn't going your exact way dosn't call for the rash actions that you are taking.

I refuse to allow your drama to effect my senior year so as of now I don't care. Any desicions you make no longer include me. This is my elctronic emancipation proclamation. I from now on will take charge of my life with no interference from you.

Oh and when certian children say they trust you remember that the BTK killer was a trusted deacon too.

Heather C. Grant
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