A Seminar on Proper Police Procedure, Steve/Danny, H50, Self Challenge Piece One

Oct 02, 2011 00:04

Title: A Seminar on Proper Police Procedure
Author: purple_spock
Verse: H50
Pairing: Steve/Danny
Status: Established
Rating: PG-13 (I think)
Word Count: 568
Genre: PWP
Disclaimer: I don’t own H50. I do own some rather nice psychology text books I’d be willing to trade for it though.
Summary: The finer side of boredom, or how Steve gets through meetings.
AN: The first piece in a self-issued challenge of 15 fics in the month of October. This one was inspired by the fact that I was board out of my skull in class on Thursday. Unfortunately I didn’t have Steve to distract me.

Danny stared at the screen, desperately willing himself to focus. He was sure that whatever the guy at the front was talking about was of vital importance, all he had to do was make himself focus. He forced himself to tune into what the presenter was saying.

“And if you look here, this is an example of an improperly filled in form, where the officer has forgotten to write completely in capitals...”

Okay, so maybe not. Resisting the urge to huff and squirm in his seat like a first grader he looked over at Steve and was irritated to see that he appears to be alert and listening, nodding along at the presenter.

He pulled his notebook towards him (so far completely empty of notes) scribbling a message before not so subtly sliding it over to Steve. Luckily everyone else at the table was too zoned out to notice.

‘You’re not really listening to this are you? You don’t even do paper work.’

Steve read the note and quickly wrote a reply, sliding the book back to Danny without looking away from the presenter.

“No. Thinking about last night. You looked hot with your hands tied up like that.’

Danny felt his ears turning red. The night before Steve had convinced him - against Danny’s better judgement - to let Steve tie him to the headboard. It had been a far better experience than he’d anticipated. Danny could see Steve smirking out of the corner of his eye, but before he could write an appropriately scathing reply Steve grabbed the notebook back writing something else before giving it back to Danny with a cocky look.

‘Who knew ties could be useful?’

‘You are EVIL.’ Danny wrote back, stabbing at the page a little more than was strictly necessary. ‘I liked that tie. I’ll never be able to look at it the same way again.’

‘Don’t pout Danno.’

‘I’m not pouting. You ruined my tie.’

‘It’s not ruined! It’s... wrinkled.’


Steve wrote back and slowly slid the notebook back towards Danny, but at that moment the presenter started passing out sheets, requiring them both to pay attention. Once the action had died down and the people around them had sunk back into their bored stupors Danny snuck a look at the page.

‘Maybe you can ruin one of my ties. Make it up to you.’

At the thought Danny felt his blush creeping back, the time not stopping at his ears, making his entire face look unattractively puce.

‘I might be alright with that,’ he wrote back.

When Steve read it he smirked, finally looking at Danny. The bastard didn’t seem affected at all, and here Danny was, red in the face and half hard at the images Steve’s note brought to mind. Steve kept his infuriating smirk turned on Danny for a moment longer before turning back to the presentation like nothing happened.

Danny could not wait for this damn thing to be over.


That evening, as Danny untied Steve’s hands from the head board he couldn’t help but feel satisfied at how Steve certainly seemed affected now. Staring up at him with hazy eyes Steve smiled. “See, now we both have wrinkled ties.”

Danny couldn’t help smiling. “Is that seriously how you get through meetings?”

Steve smirked. “Only most of them.”

“What is wrong with you? No wonder you know nothing about police procedures.”

Steve only laughed.

pairing: steve/danny, genre: drabble, rating: pg-13, fathom: h-50, post: h-50 october self challenge

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