So I recently stumbled across a handful of tracks by The Prayers and Tears of Arthur Digby Sellers, and I find that I am liking them muchly.
However, all of the music gathering places I frequent are coming blank in regards to the band, which is most annoying. The only place I haven't tried to the esteemable 78 records, but to be honest my hopes of finding some there are not to high.
Don't suppose any of you awesome folks out there would have any you could upload for me? Normally I hate downloading music, but I really like these guys and I really can't seem to find them to buy anywhere.
In other music news, I finally got with the program and bought Andrew Bird's latest. So awesome! But you knew that already. I tend to listen to whole albums as opposed to individual songs, so albums that manage to create an atmosphere, a cohesive kind of feeling, a tendral of something that winds its way in and out of every songs, really stick with me. And Armchair Apocypha does that, for sure.
I also got Spoon's newest, and I find myself unimpressed. The album just bored me. I found myself checking how many songs were left to go, so I could finally stop listening. (Because I'd cut off my own arm before I stopepd an album mid-way. Once I press play, that's it. No stopping. I've been late for work and stuff more times than I can count because of it.) I'm one of the only people I've seen to feel that way though, so maybe it's just me.
I also bought a new cd rack, so now the multitude of loose cds I had drifting about now have a place to call home. This brings the total of cd racks to four. Their corner is starting to look quite crowded!
Oh, and, (June, you may as well stop reading now), nine days to Harry Potter! Nine! Oh my god, I am going to be a wreck. I wreck, I say! These books have been a huge part of my life since I was fifteen, what the hell am I going to do with myself once they're gone?
Curl up on the couch with a box of tissues and Get Lonely, I bet. Because I'm sure that's what John Darnielle had in mind when he made that album.
Oh, and Jess, yes, you, Jess,
purple_bottle, JESSICA! OVER HERE! There's a little something something I gots to send to you, care to e-mail me your current address? Are you at your folks place still, or somewhere new?