A week is a long time (for me) to go without updating...

May 09, 2008 16:57

...yet I don't have anything really to say. I was going to say "I aten't dead", but then that did lead me to something.

A few of you know that I kind of really enjoy knitting. On Ravelry there is a community called "Ankh-Morpork Knitter's Guild". We have a coat of arms and everything!

When Terry Pratchett revealed he is suffering from Alzheimer's, various members of this community got together and decided to knit him a Discworld-inspired afghan ("Pratchgan"). Things have been progressing rather slowly -- as tends to happen when someone is tying to organise a couple of hundred knitters! -- but recently there have been progress posts from the (possibly foolish) person who is putting the thing together. Whilst only members of Ravelry can look at the discussion thread itself, there is also an update from the organiser's blog and you really should check out the flickr group with close-ups of the squares.


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