I know I'm meant to be All About Doctor Who now, but excuse me for a minute while I switch fandoms.
OMG X-Men #188!! (link is not dial-up friendly) Thank God they've changed artists (or Salvador Larocca has really picked up his game), and I'm doing the "go Rogue, go Rogue" power-dance. She's all Old School and no longer looks like she's got mumps and eeee!!! They better not change her new team to a new book, because I'm currently able to get this one, although I'm not up to this stage yet (am also going through the "bloody hell, Marvel" stage, because what's happening in the X-Men book really doesn't fit in with what Joss is writing in Astonishing X-Men, which seems to be existing in an entirely separate universe to the rest of the X-Books, unless things change mightily in the next three issues).
After years of complaining that I can't get any comics anywhere here, I'm at the stage of having to budget and decide between them. It's a good pain to have.
Just... eeeeeee!! Makes me happy. I filter out pretty much all communities except a couple of (very) select Doctor Who ones... I think I'm going to have to change that again.
(Just so we don't go an entire post without any real mention of Doctor Who: one sleep until Tooth and Claw -- 24 hours and two minutes, actually -- and am worried that I'm more looking forward to the Power Specs moment than I am the ninja monks. Of course, there's still good -- just see
list of reasons everyone should watch Doctor Who)