Jan 19, 2010 23:43
It's so early in the morning... and I'm sitting in front of the copies with vocabulary I have to learn for Saturday. F*cking Saturday.
Yeah, English... Again earlier this week iI had this laziness time. I was wasting time during Monday and Tuesday... Now I realised that I practically did nothing. Maybe wrote a few lines of a story... But still nothing under my IM fanfiction... Which hurts a lot. Especially because RDJ again looks like Tony Stark (and Tony Stark is my unreal, just-found dad... lol, I know, ODD, but this characteristic is genetic in this family... xD)
Anyways I'm a little bit disappointed by myself. I'm doing NOTHING. Eight days ago I've posted very small set of icons and since it I haven't done any more...
It's not good.
I should do something. Maybe today, as I'll return from classes (yah, I have 2 classes in the evening, don't ask)... who knows.
And yeah, I have inspiration (two dreams about RDJ in a row... ^^) and this urge to make some icons... ;D
huh, it looks like real blah-blah.
I just wanted to update my lj ; )
End for now.
have a nice day, guys.
!notimportant: blah