May 06, 2006 23:29
Flirting, or what they think is, with the mexicans at work is fookin' hillarious. "Christina, why so quiet?" "cause I'm oh so tired" "aw, you work all day" "No, only since 3:30 but the dishes are so heavy" :drops fork: My only good laugh of the night.
I worked DRA yesterday for only about an hour and made $17. I would of made more if the people I work with weren't so ignorant. Today however, I went in early and worked 3:30 to what was suppose to be 9 but ended up being 10:15 on DRA and made $92. 8] A women left an envelope full of food coupons and didn't claim it at the end of the night, so now I'm food coupon rich. Crispers anyone?
oh, and I got a $.25 raise out of the random. :]
I'm exhausted and every part of my body aches. The perfect night for a long hot bubble bath and a good rub down.
Anyhows, I don't think I've been this carefree in months.