What a lovely way to burn

Apr 07, 2009 10:35

Yeah, talk about 50% off. LOL.
I'm so funny. xD


I'm on the 5th floor of Scott Library right now. A random dude was sleeping beside me with his face on the keyboard. ... He woke up just now and like... looked around all glazed and stuff. lol. It's funny.

I had a quiz this morning on STDs. 
I probably did badly on it. Ah well.

Tired. Bored. And kind of hungry but not really.
I find it hard to decide on what I'm feeling lately.

There's people around me doing work. I feel bad sometimes for just sitting here and twittering/LJing/web comicing/manga downloading. ... Ah well.
Maybe I should go do something haha.


I"ve always been really interested in reading about Greek mythologies and about Greek gods. I just find them really interesting.
[I might find a myth course to take next year but Mike said they're not good. Hm.]
I read the story (on wikipedia so it's probably not the greatest, but I got the jist of it) about Cupid and Psyche. I love their story. My goodness.
The main reason why I looked them up though was cuz I was trying to find a painting for my art course and I came across this:

The Abduction of Psyche by Adolph William Bouguereau, 1895

I love this painting. I can never in a million years ever paint something remotely close to this. But it's so damn beautiful. Ugh. I want to stare at it forever lol.

Anyhoo, back to topic. ...

Maybe I should go roam in this library and search for books about Greek gods.
...But I already took out three books from the RHpublic library like last week. I should perhaps finish those first.
I'm currently reading a book called "SWAP". It started out kind of boring but it's turning out to be quite intense. It's a murder mystery! Not exactly the kind I usually read but the cover looked pretty. =)  ... Yes. I judge books by their covers. Not always, but sometimes when I don't have a specific book in mind, I just pull books out that looks nice. Tsk tsk to me.

I have class at 12:30. What time is it now anyways? Oh... I have some time left.

... I brought a lot of food today. =) 
My mommy packed my lunch last night and this morning I grabbed an orange, a pear, vita soy milk... reeses chocolate coated candy. ... I chopped up some cucumbers, washed some grapes. ... Grabbed some biscuits. ... MMMMmmmmmm.
I love food.
I have to eat constantly.
... I'm getting fat. T_T


I think I'm gonna do work now. ... Perhaps. Or go find those books.

books, greek myth, school, art

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