330 calories!

Feb 07, 2009 18:58

Funny poster on a street lamp along Yonge Street.


Didn't do much today.
Worked. Cooked. Tried to do homework but failed (as usual).

I'm really tired.

I told my manager that I want 20 hours per week. At first she gave me a "Uh, that's not going to happen" look. But then I explained that I don't have school on Thursdays and Fridays and she was like "Oh, really? So you can start early?" And then she said she'll try to schedule me in for more. She's also hiring two others because she thinks/knows that most of the staff right now wants to quit. But I don't know why she's in such a hurry because they haven't quit yet. ... By giving hours to new people, she's kind of making them quit.

Oh well. Not my business.

I think she likes me anyways. =D


If you married the person you last texted, what would your last name be?
Lo. ... I'm not going to change my last name. =) Haha, it would be Pacheco if I do though.

What would happen if you had a kid with the last person you kissed?
I wouldn't allow that to happen in the first place.

What did you do today?

Had a really weird dream, woke up at 12:30, took down laundry, washed dishes, had cereal and yogurt for lunch, took a shower, met up with Bisma at RH terminal, went to a really cute bookstore, went to Tim Hortons, walked through Winners, chilled at Hill Crest for a bit, bought some makeup, went home and cooked rice, had dinner, took note for bio, painted my nails and this...

Do you know a secret about your last ex that would embarrass them?
I know plenty.

Who will you be sleeping with tonight?
My stuffed animals.

Are you getting engaged any time soon?

What's the best part about being single?
You can flirt with anyone you want.

Do you watch "The Hills"?


Wearing any bracelets?

Last thing someone bought for you?
Jessica bought me lunch yesterday.

Do you feel awkward when strangers say hi to you?
No. It's fun sometimes.

Are you any different now than you were a year ago?
Of course.

Are you taller than your mom?

Is anything upsetting you right now?
I'm cold.

What's the farthest away from home you have ever been?
I guess Quebec? HK was technically my home before I left so... haha.

Do you hate being alone?
No. Depends on the situation. Most of the time I don't mind.

Who was the last person you cried in front of?

My brother and mother.

What's on your agenda for tomorrow?

Hang laundry, go to work, go home to cook, probably homework and then sleep?

Who do you not get along with?
Gee I wonder who.

If you could have one person with you right now, who would it be?
I don't know. I'm not in the mood to be with anyone right now.

Does anyone know your passwords other than you?
Vincci knows one of them, Tami knows one of them too I think.

Did you have a good day yesterday?

Meh. It was alright. I felt really tired and sleepy the whole day though.

Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?

Last December, what was your love life like?
I fell in love with a gay guy. ... If that's not sad, I don't know what is.

Do you wash your hair in the shower?
Yeah. Sometimes though I'll just wet my bangs in the sink if I'm in a hurry LOL. It never works though.

What is your fear?


When was the last time someone held your hand?
I don't remember. ... Probably a while ago with the kids I babysit.

How are you feeling right now?

Last nap?
Uh... Yesterday. I had a power nap for 15 minutes.

Have you ever liked anyone that treated you like crap?
No. Why would I like that person in the first place?

Where would you like to be right now?

Somewhere warm...

Could you go the rest of your life without smoking a cigarette?

What were you doing at 10:17 pm last night?
Probably cleaning my room or in the washroom.

Are you afraid to grow up?


What was your worst subject in school?
Math, History and Geography.

Want something you can't have?
Eric! T__________T

What do you do when you're sad?
I talk to people on the phone. Or do something on my "Cheer Up" list.

Do you hate the last person you kissed?
No. I kissed Violet goodnight. Haha. She's adorable.

Do you have a secret that you've never told ANYONE?

Is there something that happened in your past that you hate talking about?
Plenty. And I probably won't ever talk about it either.

Has someone ever licked your cheek or forehead?
Cheek yes, forehead no.

Last time you fell asleep in someones arms?
When I was young I guess?

Is the last person you really kissed older or younger?

Two words that explain why you last threw up?.
.............I was sick. I ate something wrong.

What are your plans for the weekend?

Ever kissed someone who smokes?

How many children do you plan on having?
2 atleast. I don't know if I have a limit to anything more now.

Do you like what the ocean does to your hair?
I haven't been to the ocean for a loooooooong time. I can just wash my hair anyways.

Own more than 10 pairs of flip-flops?
No. I need a new pair actually.

What is something you wish you had more of?
Intelligence haha.

What woke you up this morning?
I dunno. I just woke up naturally. I love those haha.

What were you like a year ago?
I was... I don't know. Not as happy? Yeah. Not as happy.

How many times is A in your full name ?

None. Chinese or English.


Wong Fu's new short series: Up in Da Club.
Omg, Phil is hilarious. And damn he can dance. <3
"Be a gentlemen, give her alcohol." 
"Have some class! Get her friends drunk too!" 


Okay, so out of curiousity, I looked up my name on the internet.
... Weird stuff man.

Elizabeth Bugie ... is an American Biochemist.
"In view of the importance of tuberculosis as a public health hazard, this is a serious defect. The position was rapidly rectified when, in 1944, Selman Waksman, Albert Schatz, and Elizabeth Bugie announced the discovery of streptomycin from cultures of a soil organism, Streptomyces griseus, and stated that it was active against M. tuberculosis...."  -Britannica Online

It's a website by this guy named Febrianto but apparently, his friends call him BugiE. ...
I find it funny. I'm tempted to email him.

DJ Bugie
There's a radio station called G.I.R.L. - Gay Internet Radio Live and there's a DJ ... with my name.

There's also a few movies with my name...
Bugie bianche (1980)
Bugie rosse (1993)

Natural Born Bugie
A UK rock/pop band called "Humble Pie" produced a CD called Natural Born Bugie on October 24, 2006.

An Italian singer called Lucio Dalla came out with a CD called Bugie on July 28, 2006.

Chiacchiere or Bugie or Frappe
There's a recipe... http://recipes.egullet.org/recipes/r1924.html

Most searches I found were in different languages, mostly italian. ...
It's really weird! 
... Especially that DJ Bugie.


What time was it two hours ago?

What were you doing then?
On the comp.

Whats the weather like outside?
It was nice when I came back from work. Windy though.

Who are you currently texting?

Are your fingernails painted?
Yup. Blood red. Loooove it.

Are you taller than 5'6"?
Ha. No.

What was the last thing you ate?
Rice with stir fried veggies in soup. … Yes, in soup. I mixed them all together. ^_^;;

Is your hair longer than your shoulders?
It’s touching my shoulders.

Do you have highlights?

Where was the last place you went?

why did you last cry?
Argument at home.

What will the date be one month from today?
March 7th, 2009.

How old was your mom when she had you?

What does your name mean?
Purple Rhombus. I don’t know what Bugie means.

Do you know anyone else with your name?

If you had a child; Would you rather have a girl or a boy?
I want one of both.

What are you doing tonight?
Sleeping earlier. Ugh.

Are you tired right now?

Three days from now will you be in a relationship?
Not likely.

Do you wish you had curly hair?
Nah. I would like to try wavy but I know I’ll just mess it up. I think I was given straight hair cuz God knows I won’t take care of it and he wanted to make my life easier.

Is there anyone who doesn't like you because of something you didn't even do?

work, survey, wongfu, bugie

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