This is what I look for...

May 26, 2011 22:01


So I've been day dreaming/thinking a lot about a boyfriend lately. I'm gonna take Luan's (luanlegacy) advice and write what I want my future boyfriend to be like!!

I've noticed certain things about guys that I really find attractive. Not physical attributes, but personality traits.
(Plus, we always say we want our boyfriends to look a certain way but they always don't match up to that when you do get one... it's all about what's on the inside!)

I NEED a guy who's calm. Or at least someone who can calm me down. Someone who when I'm with I'll feel like I can tell them anything and they'll still be calm and help me through everything.

I'm very very impatient with a lot of things. If a guy can show me that he can be patient with me and with others, yup, he's good.

Laid Back
Someone who'll just be fine chilling. Like... whatever. I don't want someone who doesn't care though. That's a bit too laid back. I need someone who'll go with whatever and not be too picky about what we do together. Going with the flow.

Not Passive
I can't stand guys who can't make up their mind. Or they can make up their mind but are too scared to take a chance to make it happen. They definitely can't be a "I'll-sit-here-and-wait-for-things-to-come-to-me" kinda guy. This is probably the one thing I won't over look, no matter how nice the guy is.

This is probably the one thing that will win me over. If the guy is confident, I'll automatically be drawn to him. I guess... that's a given regardless of guys or girls. I don't want cockiness though, although sometimes, it can work too, to a certain degree. I find that some people will find a certain some one cocky, but I'll find that person admirable. It all depends.

...But Humble
I think this should go together with confidence. If the guy is humble about his talents or the things that he does, it's such a turn on. Being confident is one thing, but if he's confident AND humble? DONE. I'll be all over him.

Not just about me. ;D
But about something. I don't care what he may be passionate about, but it's such a turn on when they have something that they are passionate about and will just throw themselves into that thing and enjoy with everything they've got. I think everyone should find that one thing that they are passionate about and they should go as far as it'll take them. When I see a guy being passionate about something, it shows me they can commit to something and truly love something.
... It'd be nice if I was their passion haha. ... But ahem. Yeah.


Those are probably the most notable traits that I look for, or realize about someone as I get to know them. I usually do get good vibes from the start and find myself being especially drawn to these guys. :D

And of course there are those other things like sweet, romantic, understanding, funny... and all that. But if my guy has the above 6 traits, he's already half way there. That's not a lot to ask right?


Know any one who's like that? Please introduce meeee!!

relationships, boys

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