May 18, 2005 17:19
I'm most likely going to change my mind and delete this soon. But if I post it for a little bit maybe I'll feel like I'm sort of telling someone.
Things have not been so great around here lately.
My family's kind of falling apart.
Last night my brother almost overdosed on bars again. This makes it the second time in less than two weeks that he had to go to the hospital for this. It was not a pretty scene, to say the least. My mom was freaking out, crying, becoming hysterical. My aunts and a few other people were over trying to get him in the car but he refused to go and started punching holes in his wall. Everyone kept telling my mom that she needed to baker act him because "he's going to kill himself". After much debate she gave in and my dad called the police to come get him and take him to the hospital. My mom made her friend take me and my little brother away so we wouldnt see. Now Jay's in the hospital.
I was so angry with him today... I guess I dont really understand what compels people to do drugs. But I recently found out that they're making him stay there for a few days... and now I kind of feel bad for him... and even worse for my mom... Going to be tough on her.
So... yeah. My house is pretty depressing right now and I wish I could go somewhere. I've spent so much time at the gym lately that I'm gonna start looking like one of those manly body builder women... (yes, that is a slight exaggeration, but...:-/)
Maybe I'll walk to Starbucks tonight now that it's open.
Very much looking forward to this weekend.