It's a mixed bag, folks.

Oct 08, 2009 03:09

Ok, why have I not heard of Regretsy before??? The question is rhetorical, but seriously...why haven't I heard of it?????

$15 for a drawing of a kid drowning in a puddle of urine???? SIGN ME THE EFF UP!!!!

This made me "HAHAAAA" and "OH SWEET JEEBUS" simultaneously.

"I don’t want to see your stoned, fucked up cat rubbing itself all over a tiny fetus on your living room floor. That just makes me really uncomfortable. Seriously, if I wanted to see shit like that, I’d be on Live Journal."

Amen to that, sister-friend. Oh...wait.


It was long, you guys. My shoes are a size 9 (I'm an 8½, but New Balance are tight).

I thought I was in the clear by missing it, but apparently there was a smaller one that I stepped on *before* seeing this one. It wasn't *completely* smooshed or anything, but it was turned over (like I'd flipped it when I was taking a step? idk) so I thought it might be ok. Turns out it wasn't, so I gave it the salt treatment...which took me back to when I was a kid and I would salt Slugs for my Grandpa. Good times.

Jason Mraz's version of Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy is better than the original.

you'd think i was high on *something*, photos, things i didn't know about, rambling

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