Dear Diary, My teen angst bullshit has a body count

Jan 25, 2006 12:21

There are lot of things that I say are going into my livejournal DAILY and they never do. So here's my livejournal quote quiz thingy. If you can figure out more of these quotes than other people than I'll give you some sort of prize.

-That's not a dog, it's a hyena escaped from the zoo dressed in dog clothing.

-Hey Ram, doesn't this cafeteria have a no fags allowed rule?
-Well, they seem to have an open door policy for assholes though don't they?

-What would JFK do? You know he'd tap that ass.

-Hey, Brian, remember me? I'm the guy you left standing at the counter at McDonald's with a bag full of burgers. You know it's funny, I tried to walk home and, um, a lot of hungry deer walking around at this hour of the night and, um, oh here's where the story gets fun, uh, you may have noticed I'm missing an ear. Managed to, uh, pull it out of the deer's mouth and put it in some ice I got at a 7-Eleven. So when you are ready to apologize, just talk into this cup.

-Oh my god, she's so hot.
-What channel, dude?

Mmk I'm out of time.
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