Dec 19, 2004 16:57
im bored...cheyenne is still at the house and she actually got off the only cause she was hyper and wanted to give me a raspberry on my dont ask.. but yeah..blah...and i just woke up cause of her..but oh well.. went to walmart today to get my mom a gift for Christmas and yeah...bored...SHINY!!!! WRAPPING PAPER!!!! ..........its really is...its on my wall now too...hehehehehe....later we are going to go outside and wrestle in the front yard...yeah we're bored so blah! OMG!!!! somebody just wanted to taste the paint!!! ....they found out it wasnt that didnt you chey?? lol...stupid.. oh well we still all love her though....Oh and about this whole thing about Britni's attitude towards things...yeah i gotta agree with cheyenne on this...cause yeah you do judge people..and im not saying that i dont do that..just you do it everyday you're alive...yeah.. i mean sometimes its funny but its too a certain point, then it gets yeah.. i just wanted to say SHUT UP! hehe..everyone in the world isnt perfect and neither are you, or any of us..but its still not right to make fun of everyone you see, and that has some physical problem that they cant fix.. I mean like you dont like it when people say shit to why should they.. and yeah you're thinking that i am being so HYPOCRITICAL!!! but i dont do it as much and i am stopping so yeah.. but when some random stranger that just walks by.... i dunno i mean its just not small word can ruin someone's day or even just have to look and see how you would feel if they say that stuff to you that you do to them...and you probably might just say you dont care what they say about you...but deep down you know it upsets you... well yeah im gonna go now and you're probably mad at me now too...but its gotta stop sorry...
p.s. no cheyenne didnt put me up to this or told me to say anything, and im not doing it because im her friend..