and i cant accept because i am uptight

Jan 03, 2005 20:04

-bad mood today, in school
-after school watched the hound rehearsal, hung out with them, felt better.
-craig drove me, laurie, the macphails, albie and nick home
-after macs and albie left me, craig, nick and laurie got pizza
-dropped off nick, dropped off laurie, i went to my nanas.
-hung out with michasma for about an hour
-then they left for the airport =(

-now i'm here and feel like crying-

stole this from tracy.

01. what did you do in 2004 that you'd never done before?
earned a black belt, went on a class trip, made friends with people in a different town and NOT through karate

02. did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make one?
i always forget those

03. did anyone close to you give birth?
marjie had blue. stacy (not that close) had kieyeletkdjghadfklghdfjlb i dont know how to spell it.

04. did anyone close to you die?
my great uncle bob, not that close though.

05. what countries did you visit?

06. what would you like to have in 2005 that you lacked in 2004?
knowing who i can rely on and having it stick around.

07. what date from 2004 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
december 4th, earned my black belt. november 17th started what may be the first real relationship of my life. and june 8th the no doubt concert!!!!!!

08. what was your biggest achievement of the year?
black belt

09. what was your biggest failure?
losing some of the best friends i ever had.

10. did you suffer illness or injury?
i got sick and hurt, but nothing awful

11. what was the best thing you bought?
no clue, i'm not really into material stuff.

12. whose behavior merited celebration?
carolyn, dinah, nick, katie, allie...uuum i guess?

13. whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
my own, bettys and my fathers.

14. where did most of your money go?
food and music.

15. what did you get really, really, really excited about?
no doubt concert, dc trip, black belt graduation.

16. what song will always remind you of 2004?
"new friend" and "beauty contest" -no doubt

17. compared to this time last year, are you: better off, still not content or close to being happy?
this time last year i was lonely, because i had no what i considered true friends, except for one but it was hard to talk to her and i had lost the best friend i ever i have many true friends, but i don't think they think of me that way, i have my best friend back as my boyfriend, feel i have lost the one exception friend from last year, but have made many many friends...all in all. i'm still lonely.

18. what do you wish you'd done more of?
going for things.

19. what do you wish you'd done less of?
dwelling so much.

20. how will you be spending christmas?
i spent it eating supper with my johns family and then going to my familys for desert and a bit of online talking to my friends.

21. how will you be spending new years?
at nicks kick arse party, even though i was really invited to mollys.

22. did you fall in love in 2004?

23. best memory of 2004?
looking at the stars with john, meeting heather in person, tia/tracy sleepovers, dc, black belt test (yes the test not the graduation), and the talks i had with carolyn.

24. what was your favorite tv program?
friends, aqua teen, 2 and a half men

25. do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
no, i really dont hate anyone.

26. what was the best book you read?
"the perks of being a wallflower" or "eating the chesire cat"

27. what was your greatest musical discovery?
the killers.

28. what did you want and get?
an oingo boingo cd.

29. favorite album of the year?
boingo-oingo boingo and mainly mixes.

30. what was your favorite film of this year?
lemony snicket.

31. what did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
fifteen, i hun gout with mia, tony, corey and paul, ate cake and opened presents with my family. and cried because the one person i wanted to remember, didn't.

32. what one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
i thought i knew...

33. how would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2004?
umm...hand me downs are us?

34. what kept you sane?

35. which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
never really did

36. what political issue stirred you the most?
gay marriage.

37. who did you miss?
the friends, who are still here but just not there anymore...

38. who was the best and worst new person you met?
no one really.

39. tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2004?
don't expect good things to last.

40. quote a song lyric that sums up your year.
"And I’ve fallen, I can’t help myself
I’m feeling envious of all the rest
You’re bringing out the lemming in me
A victim of the cattle call disease
Not easy to be me"
-at least my 2004

the real inspector hound
friday january 7th, 2005
$4 at the door

((go see it, it kicks arse!!!!))

ever think that someone doesn't want to talk to you, simply because they don't want to talk to anyone about it, only to find, they damn well wanted to...just not to you? i sure as fuck have
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