Jun 13, 2007 03:13
When I tell people that I often sleep outside, I often get people mentioning their fear of rabies.
apparently according to one site, there have only been 27 reported cases of rabies in humans in the US since 1990.
"by the end of 2000, there were 48 reported cases in raccoons (8 during 1999; 40 during 2000)"
that's not a lot of numbers, as there have been measures to eliminate/subdue rabies in North America...however all this paranoid talk has made me somewhat paranoid...I have had numerous raccoon run-ins recently...I'm wondering if it would be a good idea to get a preventative rabies vaccine....but apparently if you get bitten/scratched, a good thing to do is wash out the area, and use something like iodine on it...so perhaps all I need to do is have water and soap...sometimes preventative vaccines seem to get people sick anyways...
I don't know...but now I'm all weird, and I think I'm sleeping inside tonight.