A Christmas Desire

Jan 03, 2011 22:19

Title: A Christmas Desire
Author: purple_Lights
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Harry, Draco, Hermione, Pansy
Beta: kamerreon
Prompt(s): well-placed red ribbon, romantic sleigh ride, snowflakes caught in someone’s hair
Warnings: None
Summary: December is the month where everything gets cold, but will Harry every get his chance with his crush, Draco?
Word Count: 1603
Disclaimer: I don’t own the characters nor do I make money from this story.
A/N: I just hope everyone enjoys this! Written for mini_fest

"Hermione," Harry asked with a frown, "where's Ron?" It seemed weird to just see Hermione without her red-headed boyfriend at her side.

Hermione's head surfaced from behind a large tome, Even the Most Obscure, and looked at her friend. "It's four o'clock on a Tuesday." she said and a light went off in Harry's head: Ron was with Malfoy for their weekly chess game.

"Merlin, I'll never get used to that," Harry said as he took the empty seat next to Hermione.
"A lot of things have changed since the war," Hermione reminded him gently.

Harry nodded absently as his hand unconsciously brushed his unmarred forehead. He told himself that he wasn't jealousy that Ron was able to spend time with Draco, no matter how much Hermione hinted he was in previous conversations.


"Are you sure, mate?" Ron asked as he continued to pack his clothes for th Christmas holiday. "You know you're practically family, right?"

"I know, Ron, but this is our last year at Hogwarts and I want to spend it here," Harry insisted as he leaned back on his bed and watched his friend. "Why are you packing early anyway, Ron?"

"Hermione. She told me that if I didn’t wait until an hour before we board the train, I could find my own compartment," Ron explained as he put some clean socks in his bag. "Well, at least you won't be the only seventh-year staying for Christmas; Draco told me he is."

Harry blushed and started stammering. "I-I have no idea what you're talking about, Ron. You should finish your packing before Hermione comes and sees that you're slacking!"

Ron rolled his eyes and said something about oblivious love while Harry pretended he wasn't listening. He tried desperately to think of something else.

That night Harry dreamt of light blond hair and liquid silver eyes; unexpectedly, he woke up hard and took a freezing cold shower.



Harry’s body is tensed; out of all the Slytherins that could be looking from him, it had to be her. "Hello, Parkinson." His grip on his wand tightened and he stared at Parkinson wearily.

"Evening, Potter," Parkinson greeted and then rolled her eyes a second later. "Give me some credit, Potter. I won't do anything to you in broad daylight - I have no intention of going to Azkaban." Pansy stared pointedly at Harry's wand hand.

Harry tucked his wand back into his robe. "What do you want, then?"

"What are your intentions with Draco, Potter?" Parkinson inquired as she stared shrewdly at Harry who choked on his spit in surprise.

Harry coughed in order to get his breathing back under control and knew his face was flushed red. "W-what do you mean?" Harry tried to sound nonchalant, but he figured it's a failure by the way Parkinson stared at him as if he were daft.

"Playing innocent doesn't work for you, Potter," Parkinson said. She took a step closer as she narrowed her eyes. "I'm just here to warn you that if you hurt Draco, I will be out for blood."
"W-wait -"

"Merlin," Parkinson interrupted him. "Gryffindor's are oblivious! Must I spell it out for you? You and Draco. Like. Each. Other!"

"I d-don't -"

"As if! Potter, the way you stare at him is like a lion eyeing a deer." Parkinson huffed and Harry knew his face was red like tomato. "The point is: When you woo Draco over Christmas break -"

"I'm not going to 'woo' him, Parkinson! I don't even know if Malfoy even likes me!" Harry exclaimed.

"Trust me, Potter, I wouldn't be here threatening you about hurting Draco if he didn't have feelings for you."

Harry conceded, because Parkinson made a good point. "So, what now?"

Harry took a step back and wished he hadn’t asked that question, because the glint in Parkinson’s eyes wasn't pretty.

"First, I'm going to get you better clothes, then..."


"Malfoy!" Harry yelled when he saw white-blond hair. He tugged his new, high-quality robe as he walked quickly, so he wouldn't fall into the snow and make a fool of himself.

"Hello, Potter," Malfoy greeted Harry when he got closer. "Is there something you want?"

Harry face flushed and felt embarrassed when had nothing to say; he’d just acted on his Gryffindor impulsiveness. "Um... I was just, er, wondering if you would like some company?" He shuffled his feet when Malfoy didn't give an answer for several moments, Harry almost turned away, but then Malfoy opened his mouth.

"Sure, Potter," Malfoy said and the corners of his mouth tilted up slightly. Harry was sure that since Malfoy's tentative smile was able to amaze him, then Malfoy's full-blown smile would blow him away.


Harry was daydreaming of the time he spent with Mal-Draco several days prior. They’d had a little argument about what they were going to do, but in the end they walked around the Black Lake a few times and Harry had the opportunity to run his fingers through Malfoy's hair when snowflakes caught in it. The delicate pink that glowed on Draco's cheeks and the surprised, wide gray eyes that stared at him incredulously made Harry feel that he would gladly be a Hufflepuff, romantic sap in order to see that face again.

"Potter, are you done daydreaming?" a voice snapped and Harry was instantly out of his reverie with a smile.

"Yes, Draco, I'm done. Are you ready for your sleigh ride?" Harry asked as he looked at Draco's black boots, gray pants and sweater.

"Of course," Draco replied and stepped closer to Harry until he's in Harry’s personal space. "Here." Draco wrapped something warm and soft around his neck.

Harry blinked at the strange (but very welcome) sensation of having Draco’s arms around his neck; he wanted to give a cry of protest when those arms moved back to Draco's side. So instead of grabbing Draco arms, he grabbed the soft, dangling material and held it up to his face. "You got me a scarf?"

Draco shrugged elegantly. "My clothing is enchanted with warming charms that are tuned to its wearer. If you don't want it..."

Harry hastily tightened his grip on the white scarf. "I want it, Draco. Thank you." He gave a lop-sided grin and was overjoyed when Draco smiled back at him.


"And how does this work?" Draco asked Harry while he warily eyed the wooden sleigh.

"I'll have to sit in-between your legs and you'll put your arms around my waist and hold on tight while I ride it down." Harry paused and repeated the words in his head and blushed; he glanced at Draco who didn't seem to notice his innuendo.

"All right then." Draco nodded and sat down on the wooded sleigh with his legs spread.

Harry had to force himself to look away from the tantalizing sight of Draco, because of Parkinson’s threat ringing in his ears. Getting himself into position, only pausing to let Draco wrap his arms around Harry's waist, they slid down the snow slope.


"Nice driving, Potter," Draco said condescendingly, or it would have been if his words weren't murmured because he was stuck in the snow.

"I told you not to squeeze me so hard, you prat. Now give me your arm," Harry demanded as he walked over to Draco.

Harry pulled on Draco's arm too hard and they landed back onto the cold snow-covered ground with Draco on top of Harry. Harry groaned and made the mistake of opening his eyes. Above him was Draco with an open mouth, red nose and cheeks, and disheveled hair. His liquid silver eyes that sent a jolt of desire straight to Harry's prick.

Harry didn't notice when his hands locked behind Draco's head, didn't notice when Draco head came closer to his and didn't notice he’d closed his eyes until he felt Draco's lip press hard on his. Their kiss was tentative with slow, nervous brushes until Draco opened his mouth slightly and Harry plunged his tongue in without a second thought. Harry kissed him until the need for oxygen became too late.

"I like you," Harry announced as he laid his head back into the snow. The hand he had in Draco's hair began to stroke Draco's neck softly.

Draco snorted somewhere on Harry's left shoulder. "You’d better! I don't just let anyone kiss me. Rub my back, too, while you're at it."

"Demanding, aren't you?" Harry asked rhetorically and got a mischievous idea. He shoved his free hand up Draco's sweater and laughed at the squeal it elicited.

"Cold!" Draco complained as he hastily straddled Harry's waist and reached behind his back to pull the intruding hand away from him. Harry smiled and placed both hands under Draco's sweater and watched as Draco squirmed and yelled at him.

"What's with the ribbon, Draco?" Harry asked after he tore his eyes away from Draco's exposed outer belly-button to his waist.

"I needed a belt and I couldn't find one, so I improvised," Draco replied and smirked when he finally got Harry's wrist out from under his sweater.

"Does this mean I won't be able to open this gift?" Harry inquired and watched one of Draco’s eyebrows raise. "It's a well-placed red ribbon and everyone knows on Christmas we get to open gifts."

"It's not even Christmas, Harry," Draco countered.

"You don't believe in opening a Christmas gift early, then?"

"Maybe next Christmas, Harry." Draco laughed and Harry opened his mouth to bargain, but was cut off when Draco’s lips met his again. And Harry's last coherent thought was that he couldn't wait until next Christmas.

rating: pg-13, fic: a christmas desire, 8th year, era: post-war, harry/draco

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