One More Notch

Dec 18, 2010 20:29

 Title: One More Notch
Author: purple_Lights
Rating: R
Beta: vanessawolfie 
Recipient: bleedforyou1 
Summary: Segments of Harry and Draco's relationship.
Word Count: 1288
Author Notes: hd_seasons  prompts: a snowball fight, "Merlin, Potter! What do you think you're doing?"; "Did you just throw snow at me?"; picture prompt
Warning(s): Rimming (not explicit), little cross-dressing

Draco gasped as his head bobbed forward slightly and resisted the urge to shiver when the snow that hit the back of head fell onto his neck. Draco brushed the snow off his hair and neck and turned with a fierce glare that lost its intensity when he saw Harry Potter staring at him. "Did you just throw snow at me?"

Potter smiled and Draco felt his heart beat wildly against his ribs. "Yes I did, Malfoy. You looked too gloomy in this already gloomy setting." Potter said and he gestured to the vast amounts of snow that surrounded in an isolated courtyard at Hogwarts.

"I'm pretty sure, Potter, that most people wouldn't consider being in snow a 'gloomy setting.'" Draco announced and did a graceful duck to avoid another snowball Potter just threw at him as he thought about which hex he could use; despite having a minor... crush on Potter, Draco wasn't going to let the transaction against his hair go unpunished.

Potter nodded his head. "True, Malfoy, very true. It is certainly a less gloomy setting now that you're here with me."

Draco felt his face warmed and hoped that Potter would account the blush to the cold weather. "I'm not here for your amusement."

Potter threw another snowball.

Draco ducked and scowled. "Merlin, Potter! What do you think you're doing?"

Potter rolled his eyes. "I thought it was obvious, Mafloy; I'm trying to have a snowball fight--and before you open your mouth, I know you're not here for my amusement, but that doesn't mean you can't humor me, right?"

Draco eyebrow twitched in agitation. "Listen, you infuriating Gryff--" Draco dodge another snowball, and it seemed that Potter anticipated his move if the sudden blindness and cold that seeped into his face was any indication. He wiped the snow off his face with his hands as he blinked to see if his vision was damaged before he grabbed his wand; a crush or not, Potter was going down. He spat, "Fine! You want a snowball fight, eh? ¡Tráigame nieve!"

Potter yelped as an impressive amount of snow fell down on him.


"Oomph!" Draco gasped as he fell to the hard ground and wondered if the hippogriff that attacked him in his third year was back to finish the job because the weight that suddenly fell on him felt like Draco was drawing his last breath.

"Hullo, Draco. Fancy meeting you here and especially like this. How're you doing this fine evening?"

Draco glared to the best of his abilities while he tried to get well-needed oxygen back into his lungs. "I would... feel better... if... you got off!"

"I'm sorry, Malfoy, but no-can-do, we're stuck under one of Fred's and George's Magical Mistletoes and you know what that means."

Draco eye's widen in horror as his face heated up in a blush. He had heard about the Weasley's Twins Magical Mistletoe: if two (or more) people walk underneath it, it's like they've been hexed with a sticking charm because they cannot leave the Mistletoes snare until all people caught in it kiss. He squirmed and stopped immediately with a heavier blush as he heard Potter made a sound reminiscent of a groan.

Potter moved closer and Draco wondered when his traitorous legs fell open to the intrusion. Potter placed his hands on either side of Draco head and he leaned down until their noses brushed.

Draco was trapped, but as he stared into Potter's dilated blown eyes that fell shut behind eyelids and soft lips tentatively brush his own, Draco knew after this he couldn't get away.

"Draco, don't!"

Draco didn't listen to Harry's command and tried to get away from Harry with a limp in his gait, damn Hogwarts and their Anti-Apparition wards. It didn't surprise him when his shoulders were suddenly grabbed and he was pressed against a wall and Harry's chest with his wrists held above his head in Harry's strong grip.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Harry's voice lowered so much that it might have been a murmur.

Draco looked away. "It's been happening before we got together, and I've gotten used to it."

"You've gotten used to it?! Merlin, Draco, they threw stinging, burning and cutting hexes at you! If you didn't know about that secret passage, you might've..." Harry's voice trailed off and Draco didn't know how to respond so he stayed quiet. "I knew getting into a relationship with you would be difficult."

Draco flinched, this was the part that he had been dreading since he and Harry had gotten together a little over a month ago. Harry was going to tell him that it's over, that he didn't want to continue having a complicated relationship with someone whom he had such violate history with. It surprised him when he felt fingers underneath his chin tipping his head up. Draco stared into Harry's eyes and felt ashamed at the guilt that he could read on his boyfriends face.

"When you frown like that, I know you've taken my words and twisted them around. I knew getting into a relationship with you would be hard, but I am willing to go the distance in order for us to have a fighting chance; I just need you to do the same."


"Come along, Potter, where's your Gryffindor courage at?" Draco taunted as he skated backwards and smirked at his boyfriend.
Harry snorted. "You're only saying that because you know how to skate."

Draco rolled his eyes and smiled. "This coming from the same guy who became a seeker the same year he first rode a broom."
"And speaking of broom riding," Harry said with a leer, "I have one that is a perfect fit for you to ride."

Draco hastily moved backwards from his horny boyfriend with a heavy blush on his face. "I'll tell you what: if you can catch me while skating, I'll ride your broom anywhere you want." After the words let his mouth, Draco saw how dilated Harry's pupil became and how clenched his jaw was and Draco felt like he was a snitch Harry was determined to catch.


Draco tugged at the felt-lined handcuffs on his wrists again with a sneer. "I really hate you, Potter."

Harry grabbed Draco by his hips and pulled him up until he was face down and ass up. "Oh, Draco, how you flatter me."
Draco's eyebrow twitched and he would've retorted, but he issued a squeak as Harry parted his ass and cast a cleaning charm. "Harry, do we have to..."

"Yes, Draco, you loved it all the other times I rimmed you."

"I was drunk all the other times you'd rimmed me; you know I love lots of things when I'm drunk!" Draco thrusts his ass back into Harry's massaging hands and wished he had something to rut against.

"Well, since you enjoyed when you were intoxicated, I'm sure it won't matter now that you're sober."

A moan escaped Draco's lips as Harry licked him. Perhaps rimming wasn't that bad...


Draco couldn't help but smile as he walked down the lane in a classic white dress with a slit on one side that went up to his mid-thigh to see his future husband, Harry Potter, staring at him with heat in his eyes. After five wonderful years together they were finally going to get married! He blushed when he heard Ginny, Hermione and Pansy squeal behind as they stood for his braids-maids.

Everything afterwards seemed to blur, the only thing he was certain of was slipping on Harry's wedding band and having his veil lifted over his head before Harry leaned down and captured his lips in another searing kiss.

Tráigame nieve (Spanish: Bring me snow!)

fic: one more notch, gift-fic, rating: r, harry/draco

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